AFF Authors

I'm just going to tell my honest opinion here, a lot of good author on aff don't get much views on their stories. It seemed like all their hard work drowns down by all the other fanfics (icluding the crappy one)

When famous author writes a crappy fanfic, everyone will go like "OMG THIS IS SO GOOD"


my definition is when well-known authors on AFF writes a new fanfic, and it's bad (sorry) they will still like it.

There's a boundary, different boundaries between well-known authors and usual authors

Even I think myself that some fanfic deserves moreviews because it's really good, and I prefer reading the fanfic not made by famous authors because some fanfic that is not famous is more intense than those famous authors can write

I think when reading the fanfic we should see the plot and story not the author, if she/he is famous or not.

Famous authors are human too, they can write a really crappy fanfic sometimes.



This is only my opinion so please, don't judge me I'm just giving out my opinions.

Some of the fanfics I like and inspired me to write are:

Baby's Breath (bromance rules)

and some more but I need to dig deep into aff to search those stories again.

I think the old aff is way better anyways.


I doubt if any of you have the same opinion as me

I'm sorry for the authors out there who likes making arrange marriage fanfics and orphanage OC's, You need to stop.


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I feel exactly the same way.

I rather read fics that aren't viewed that much that are actually good than the ones that are super popular.

Yes, I do read them sometimes and I can like them, but I really have to try hard to oversee the errors in the story will I be able to like it.

Of course, some famous authors are famous for a reason, they're just really good!
But lately the popular stories are just average or even bad (judging the plot, grammar, error etc).

I totally agree with you! Even though I write myself cheesy stories, I try to make them realistic as well, or try to describe the feelings really well.

But I know what you mean.. it's frustrating.
AGREE 100%

I also don't get why victimes fall in love with their rapists... That's so --- insensitive. Plus the arranged marriage thingy is getting annoying. They hate each other first then finally learn how to love each other. It's so typical and plain. XD
I agree with you no worries. I seriously get so frustrated when a crappy cliche story gets featured or gets so many views and all that crap.
People, where are your eyes for reading.
That's why I completely stray away from cliche storylines. I make sure mine is unique and will either bring a lot of inspiration or at least make sure it's not cliche.
just because the author's name is well known, doesnt make sure that their story is ALWAYS going to be entirely PERFECT and good. i could point out countless amount of flaws in the work. i mean they're human,i dont blame them.

cliche is fine sometimes but make sure it's unique or has some spin.
i think that they didn't become famous because their story is not complete. i think most of the reader just check the Complete fanfiction. Like me i really didn't check the Latest fanfiction. if i do , i will be addicted with that story and keep pestering the author to update it . lol, i can be a little creepy sometimes. Dont worry your story will become popular and have many subscriber once your story is completed. That is what i think.
ah i think the same as you too. when i pick a story i really didn't care about the author i just read the plot. and i just really HATE story that is written like this when they are talking:


yep, like that.
eeetech #6
Interesting pov you have there. I won't say i don't agree with you but i would like to add the point that those "famous" authors had to go some way to get to that famous status of theirs. As the saying goes by, patience is a virtue... some of those unknown ones got some recognozition after some point, some were more unlucky because they posted their stories at a time where there was less readers/fans and got buried under the massive load of new fics. I just thought it would be good to add that, have a good day ;)
(ps: it also depends which fandom your story includes, if you want popularity and attention, start w/ SNSD's or SuJu's popular ships, just sayinggg ;))
i actually have the same opinion with also an author and im not saying my story is good but i just hope more people see how much effort i put into the story(not that the famous authors dont im just stating my point) and i sometimes read stories with a lot of views and subbies and most of the stories i read have all the same plot and it just makes me wonder what i need to do to get more views and really jealous of those authors that get 1000 subbies just by making the foreword...
fantasydesire #8
lol.. am an author.. my stories are nowhere near those.. I think.. lol. so idk.. but yeah.. I agree with you on some points.. I guess that's the kind of plot they wanna see?

and damn beau!!! baby's breath makes me just wanna throw some 'feels' around!!!

ps: excuse my language.. brain is a bit fried from work..
You're so cute dear but i do agree. For all those FAMOUS AUTHORS readers tends to read all their story because of the name but not because of the plot. But i base the story because of the plot and the genre. I do read some story that were old but so good but its a shame that votes, subscribers and views aren't that satisfactory. So I do think its unfair for those authors. That's my only point of view.