a 5 Month-Long HIATUS! :|


well, the blog title explains it all. oh! might not be all but basically, it gives an overview what this is all about~ anyone who might come across this blog might say, 'she isn't even a writer. why post such a blog?YES. i am certainly NOT a writer but i am definitely an AVID READER!

i'll go on hiatus for 5 months because i think i could not live up to the 'level' of an 'avid' reader i am giving myself credit for. i may not be able to read the updates as diligently as i am doing in the past up to now. i may read the updates though when i have free time *which i doubt i would even have. but maybe. during Christmas break?* but i'm not sure if i can leave comments as often on updates, blogs, etc.. ;A; 

the next 5 months for me will be close to a 'do-or-die' experience. you see, from the orientation i had 2 days ago, the tentative schedule was to die for! *yeah.. to die for! in a negative sense XD*

12 hours a day. 3 days a week. 4 weeks per rotation. 4 rotations in total. and i still have a class on Sundays. *well, not really a class but rather a series of exams then assessment every after exam that will serve as a preparation for the next 3 days of duty. Thursdays are my 'minors' day. yeah.well,minor subjects are scheduled on that day. 

to others it may seem light.but no. it's definitely not. i have to burn midnight candles for CA 2 exams we are having every Sundays *since, a lot of my batchmates failed the subject in the past semester. and i definitely don't want to fail coz i want to graduate this coming March* following that will be another night of almost no sleep to make paper requirements for the 3-day duty. which is by the way definitely not a joke since i have to make a NUMBER of them! so yeah.. for the next three days of duty, i need to wake up early *yeah! as early as 4 in the morning everyday* and will probably arrive home at 7PM if not later because of that damn enhancement they are talking about, which i don't have an idea what's the point of doing such an activity after each tiring day. the idea of sleep will have to be postponed until Friday. *yep. Friday! since Thursdays are meant to be for minors. well, that's it if the hell-forsaken of a college we have will not put anything on that two particular days. Fridays and Saturdays. *i'm praying hard they won't put anything on that days really*


oh hail! hell sem! i don't even know where to start and what to focus on at this point. everything seems too heavy. i'm really hoping and praying i'll get by. so yeah.. that's basically it :) pray for me people! and let's talk more when i finally reach the finish to this journey! :) 


good luck to all my favorite writers! :) hope you'll write more inspiring stories! kekekekekeke inspiring meant spazz-worthy stories! :D


i'll be around till tomorrow i think! so yeah! :) goodbye for now.but this ain't definitely farewell! i will be back soon enough and will be as annoying as i am  when that time comes! :) 



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