i recommend this


This movie - is great - called MY PS PARTNER

(It's Korean and has Eng subs)


For those of you who haven't already seen it (I know I'm behind on the times)

It's a little rated, so don't watch it with anyone who wouldn't like you looking at mature things like and language.

Anyway, I loved it! Watched it with the hubs, who liked it too.

Two thumbs up (and if I had more thumbs, I'd give it more).

Super funny, a tad ty, and just a good love story in the end.

(plus it has some actors in it that I like)



I had a weird epiphany while watching it that most of my biases have most likely seen this too...

I started blushing when I thought of it too long.  :3





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I just watched the whole thing and it is really good :)
Love itself is obvious ^^
I'll watch the movie since I love Kmovies and you have good taste and I have to say that two of my fav Korean movies are 'Windstruck' and 'The Crucible'. I cried my eyeballs out on both of these movies. I'll probably eat a bowl of icecream while I'm watching it too.
who are the casts?
My phone partner?/what are you wearing?

Is that what it is? I can't open the link ATM ...
Will check it out. Since it has Asians actually getting it on on screen which doesn't happen that often(not Koreans at least kkk)
omg its the dude from protect the boss ;w;
LMFAO well they are a bunch of horn dogs, but Omgggggg you're right i cant wrap my head around shinee watching this lol except for dino face we all know he was sitting right up front XD lol they probably all watched it together too the s
Gonna watch it~!! DD:
i shal look