Little rant about my life

I was being a childish just now after I had a little fight with my sister. So I barked at my dad to sent me to my dorm an hour earlier than I was supposed to. And later at noon I have to go back home again but nope, I won't be going home. I'm gonna crash at my friend's house until next and the next next week. It was so annoying that it wasn't me who started the fight but got blamed because of it. You see, I really hate it when someone blame things on me, even though that someone is my mother. "You're always making a ruckus everytime you're home" That's what my mother said. And I'm so damn hurt because of it. My sister always pick a fight on me and I'm really tired of it. I would always fight her back and my mom would be angry at me for being so immature. I'm just so tired of all this that's happening to me.


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That :( try to understand them a bit, do they have a reason to be picking unreasonable fights with you?