Beast's Shadow

I feel really guilty as an Inspirit and BABY (not really cos this song is epic and amazing - it's too good for words) , but this song is the only thing on repeat. Holy hell.

It's dark like Hyde and I really like everything about it. Holy smokes, this is perfection. There were somethings wrong with all the July comebacks  (like Zelo's hair and the lack of Yeol again, but this is pure and utter perfection.

I'm not even a B2uty and I don't know much about B2st, but they're supposed to be the "recycled group", right? Just what?

Some of their other songs like Fiction, Midnight, Beautiful Night and Yoseob's Caffeine are probably some of my most played songs, but I never bothered learning them, you know?

But this . . . I must learn them!

Does anyone know any good reality shows with them in it? Preferably like Ranking King or Sesame Player.

Thank you :)


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WOW this song is amazing ^_^ but this is the first time listening to it for me unfortunately <:)

I've watched something called Personal Maid or something like that, Bongsun-unnie went over to clean their dorm... it was as messy as hell... no joke... extremely messy... a complete tip :)
I only love Gi Kwang~ Haha!
Man they were the first kpop group I liked bro, and they were the reason why I got into kpop :3
I feel bad though, during Mastermind and Beautiful I was too busy and stuff to catch up until maybe Fiction came out. -sigh-
They're called the "recycled" group because all of them I believe were trainees for other companies, some rejected from debuting with top groups. Hyunseung was going to be part of Big Bang but got replaced with Seungri because YG thought he wouldn't fit in. (He still talks to GD, Taeyang, and TOP which I think is cute :3) Everyone else was a JYP trainee at some point, although I guess Yoseob wasn't really, he was a trainee of a JYP subsidary that went bankrupt or something. Doojun was going to be part of 2AM or 2PM,but got eliminated from that.
Some of them also had careers before B2ST. Kikwang was a solo singer under the name AJ but I think they stopped that because 1) AJ was already taken, one of the new guys from UKISS) and 2) it's really hard to be a solo singer and I think he couldn't take some of the pressure. It's funny though, for his Japan showcase as AJ, the dancers with Kikwang were all the B2ST members except Dongwoon. Also you can see Yoseob as a backup dancer for Kikwang's "Wipe the Tears" which features Doojun and Junhyung as rappers. Also Junhyung was part of XING, a boyband that rotates its members and stuff, and was known as Popping Dragon. (Not sure why he doesn't show off his popping skills now. Ah well. Not that it matters, he's talented in producing and rapping now and so freaking SUCCESSFUL) He was there for XING's second generation, which you can check out by watching XING My Girl. (SO MANY FAMILIAR FACES IN XING -bricked-)
I think that pretty much covers their history without going into too much detail about their past stuff. Honestly if you want more info about their history and stuff, B2ST's documentary on how they debuted is pretty informational.
But as you can tell I was a pretty much a hardcore B2UTY at one time. :3