Need your help~ =..="

I'm going to delete my only Fanfic once again !! Woohoo~ -..-


Desperately .. Im trying to write , ok ? But I dont know how to .

Yeah , I know , I at writing . Thats why ppl dont subscribe !


So .. This is my request ..

Can someone please , please , please , PLEASE , teach me how to write good ?

Look , Im only 10 . I know like , nothing about these things you guys were writing ..

But I found it interesting ! Especially JongKey and HunHan's .

And wow , dont panic . Im not a , kayy ?

I got no life . I have no siblings to play with , my parents are always busy overseas .

So I got AFF and laptop !

No fun , right ? So please , I need you guys ..


I really really so very really appreciate anyone's help .





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This will help. Don't delete your fics! I at first (still do) but its just practice. As for , read this
terramomi #2
I recommend maybe writing normal stories first? Just to get the hang of putting a story together. Although i'm not too experienced either, but I think writing normal stories is easier than at the beginning.
luckyassdummy #3
I'd love to help, except I don't really know what I'm doing either. (and I'm 17, go figure)
If you can't find someone to help you maybe you should just read some more stories and figure out which stories you like to read, and then you could write it like that. (if that makes sense)
But most importantly, have no shame! 'cause I was blushing like mad when i wrote sweet dreams and that isn't even proper :/