Lol, it's like 2:30 am here almost and I stayed up so I could finally see one of EYK's livechats!! xD

It was worth it..sorta :P

Which other "Nasties" watched the new livechat? This was my first time watching the livechat when it is actually going on, since the time zones are freakin' he*l I can never watch ><


So, who else saw it? Raise you hand!! xD lol


Either way, I am tired and will probably crash soon(/starts singing BAP's Crash/) and maybe drool on my laptop xP

I don't know why I'm tired though, I usually stay up till 5 am even though I have to get up at 8 :/

I've got a messed up sleeping schedule...

Anyways, I was glad to have finally made it to one of their livechats and yea.

See ya~ (good night/morning) ^^


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