AsianFanFics Confessions

I'm sure most of you have heard of this, but I need to give it a shout-out, because it's great!

It shows you some of the readers/authors real insights.

It helps, trust me.

It also hardly shows an author's name if it's a criticism but either they do when it's a compliment!

Just thought you should all look (if you already hadn't seen it) and send in some submissions!


>> AsianFanFics Confessions <<


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Pl4yB0y-BUNNY #1
Wow it was really True :D
I thinks it's really good for authors to improve, but I'm always afraid that I'll somehow end up being talked about...
Oh I really love the idea behind it.

It gives bashers and praisers their chance to speak there honest opinions. Its negative but positive at the sametime. But in all it let's that person speak.
a lot of people are ing about it, but I think it's good. it's better now that they decided not to put names on the bad ones, though. :b