My EXOtic disease

Apparently, I make loads of faces at the computer (I've never noticed) and I was sitting in the kitchen, watching some Weekly Idols and Mam goes, "Why are ypu smiling what's so funny?"

I had my earphones in so she couldn't hear. I was debating to tell her or not about the interview and how cute Thunder and Mir are, and how Chen tries to imitate thunder, fails and hugs Suho (my EXO OTP - SuChen ftw - where did SuLay even come out of?).

Or how D.O is like a little lost Bambi and I want to give him milk and cookies. Or how Chinese MCs love hugging Jongdae.

Or that Jinyoung is amazingly funny and adorable - have you ever noticed? Or even that BYG getting hit on by a gay man is hilarious XD

But in the end, I just settled for, "I have an EXOtic disease. Sometimes I feel like a BABY and sometimes I feel like an ELF, or that I could get an A+ in Maths. I hope you'll stay with me InSpirit."

At which point she said, "Just go back to the Koreans."

Exo were on at the time, so I took great pleasure in saying (with a Kris face), "They have four Chinese members."

EXO have been giving me so many feels the past day or two. Especially their number one dork. "Ba-dum-dum-tcch-beep-beep." That loveable idiot XD

I seen you grooving out to Tao's rap. Don't think I didn't see the pair of you. And Kai giving you the WTF look. :)


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Haha I do that too! My mom's like "Are you watching variety shows again..." XD
Chen's sound effects omg asdfghjkl;; gash gash gash brb dying because Chen is amazeballs and T^T;; sobs sobs <333
WOAH~ This is amazing~ ^^
Chen's sound effects get me every time. And he's so proud of them too, while in the background of that video you see Kai just laughing his off because his hyung's such a dork.

But the suchen feels for the win. The Wolf Drama version had some suchen in it too. Right before the bus scene where everyone is kind of like doing their own thing, but on the left side of a couple of frames Chen and Suho are being boyfriends together, it's really cute. They're like holding onto each other and laughing together. :) Seriously, whoever came up with the sulay ship should get bricked or something because there is too much suchen going around to consider other suho ships as much as that one.
I love giving those kinds of answers! Whenever people ask me who this Kris person I spazz over is, I'm always tempted to say my boyfriend/husband, magical dragon, uber y cult leader, or something along those lines. XD