News: 130715 A Pink comments on comparisons to first generation girl group S.E.S


A Pink, known for their cute image, was recently asked about the rising comparisons between themselves and first generation female idol group, S.E.S.


The comparisons have sparked recently as many music fans thought the girls’ latest track "NoNoNo" sounded like a tune you’d hear from one of the most popular first generation idol groups. Thus, the song has earned positive feedback especially from music listeners who are nostalgic for the 90s.


Eunji shared in an interview, "Our [musical] color is similar to that of first generation idol groups. Since our style and songs are similar, there are many that say our songs overlap with S.E.S sunbaenims’ music. We are also fans of S.E.S and since [those comparisons] signify that people are taking interest in us, we are thankful."



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