♣I Am The Fabulous Choi Liara (LJ)!♣




Hello there!

I am the fabulous

Choi (LJ) Liara





The Real You


Username: noonachinae

Activeness: 10

How can i call you: Lani


❥Step 1


Birthname: Liara Jin Choi

Nickname(s): LJ for her first and middle name, and SPEED because of her fast rap skills

Korean name: Choi Liara (민 Liara) 

Japanese name: None

Chinese Name: None

D.O.B: 05/10/1991

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Ethnicity : 1/2 Korea, 1/2 African-American

Languange:  Korean (Native), English (Fluent), Chinese (Basic)

Other information: tattoo going down her left side that says "Do What You Love, Or Do Nothing At All"

❥Step 2

About you:

Liara is a very outgoing individual.To many on the outside looking in, she's very shy and quite but when you get to know her she opens up like a flower. She is the main person the company sends to do variety shows. LJ is just a ball of energy who cracks up laughing at everything. She is known for doing shameless advertisements for her group while on variety shows and other programs. Liara keeps a positive attitude about everything and gets excited quickly.Also she loves doing aeygo.She also likes being a sister to the other members because she takes care of them often.

She has the special gift of rapping super fast or as some call it, LED rapping.Being a great rapper, she is also blessed with an angelic singing voice. Liara is an adrenaline junkie. Anything extreme gets her pumped and she'll be willing to try it. She skateboards, snowboards, and plays the drums.She is the self procalimed "Cutesy Tomboy". She calls herself that because she loves doing wild exciting things that girls might not usually have an interest in, but still loves dressing up and looking very pretty.

LJ doesnt really like people who are serious all of the time. She feels that everyone should just live life and enjoy it. Liara has a giant heart and desires to help everyone. If she sees someone being too uptight, she will get in their face and begin singing " Why So Serious?"She would give the shirt off of her back if it meant helping someone who needed it. Ilhoon from BTOBis her bestfriend and B.A.P's Zelo is her friend,although she calls him her skateboarding rival. She has a puppy named Sarangi.Sunhwa from SECRET is her cousin. She confessess to being an ultimate SHINee fangirl, (more specifically for Jonghyun)



Liara was born and raise in Seoul, South Korea until she was 6. She and her family moved to Houston,TX to be with her mothers side of the family. Her mother is half black and half Korean, while her father is Korean. She has two older brothers Jaehyun and Jun. As a child, she was always running around the house pretending to be a superstar. She would always find one of her mothers gardening gloves and pretend to be Michael Jackson.

Her brothers always played rap music, so she then developed a love for rap as well as hip hop dancing. She would frequently go with her friends to rap battles at the local park late night. She knew she could get in trouble for sneaking out, but it was something about it that kept her coming back. After a couple times of going, she became a competitor in the battles. Her fast LED (ultra fast), raps use to amaze everyone. The couldn't understand how such power and speed was coming from such a small person.

 To accomodate her rapping, Liara excelled at dancing. She began taking dance classes at the age of 9 and her love for it grew over the years. At her request, her parents sent her back to Korea at the age of 14 to pursue her dreams of becoming an idol. There she lived with her cousin and continued to perfect her craft.  



  • puppies

  • sports

  • horror movies

  • imitating people

  • sleeping

  • loves skinship

  • bad weather, like thunderstorms and rain





  • heat

  • not getting enough sleep

  • boring people

  • sleeping in a lot of clothes

  • close minded people

  • waking up early




  • plays the drums

  • LED (fast) Rapping

  • dancing

  • cooks/bakes very well

  • learns male idol dance routines



  • she has fears of failure

  • shes afraid of living a life wondering "What if"

  • she's afraid of disappointing people she loves



  • can't sing super high notes
  • sometimes doesn't think before she acts
  • sometimes doesn't like to reason with others


  • painting
  • baking/cooking
  • skateboarding
  • choreograph dances


  • talks in her sleep

  • practices raps in the shower

  • likes to cook in her animal suit

  • jumps on her boyfriends back


❥Step 3



Ulzzang faceclaim name: Mirae

Ulzzang faceclaim photo: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Back up faceclaim name: Baek Sumin

Backup faceclaim photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


  • casual=1 2 3 4 5 6
  • formal= 1 2 3 4
  • airport=1 2 3 4 5
  • training= For training she normally wears sweatpants or shorts with tshirts or tank tops.
  • dorm= 1 2 3 


Dancing twin: Hyoyeon (SNSD) Link from 1:50 til end :) Link2 at 2:27

Singing twin: Ji Hyun (4 Minute) Link

Rapping twin: Miryo (Brown Eyed Girls) Link Here at 2:42 mark :)

Talking twin : CL (2NE1) Link at the :55 second mark :)


❥Step 4


Love interest : Jonghyun (SHINee)

Relationship : Dating Publicly.( He unexpectedly made it public during an interview right before the girls debut.)

Personality : Jonggie is a caring guy. He always want what is best for the people he loves. Although he tries not to show it, he is a pretty sensitve guy. He is also pretty funny. He loves cracking jokes and making people laugh. He loves dressing and looking nicely and looking his best. As a boyfriend, Jonghyun is very loving and attentive. He can sometimes be over protective of Liara, but it's only because he loves her. He always makes time for her and tries to help her in any way he can.

How you met: They met while she was a SM trainee. She was running down the hall of the SM building, trying to hurry and get to the studio. She accidently bumped into and knocked down Jonghyun. "Watch where youre going brat!", he yelled. He thought it was one of his familiar junior trainees from EXO that had ran him down, but it was LJ.She apologized and tried to help him up but he jumped up on his own and apologized to her. He was expecting her to spazz and go into fan girl mode when she saw who he was ,just like most girls do. To his surprise, she didn't. She treated him just like she would anyone else and he was drawn to that. "Sorry about that, I was sort of in a hurry.But whats up, my name is LJ."After introducing himself, he grabbed her hand to shake it. The moment their hands touched,he immediately fell for her.

Back-up Love Interest: Minho

Love rival: Ilhoon (BTOB)

Relationship : Bestfriends

why does he your love rival?: He is the love rival, because he has fallen in love with his friend LJ. Of course he hasn't said anything about it since Liara is dating Jonghyun.He doesn't think Jonghyun understands LJ like he does.He thinks he would be a better match for her.

Personality : Ilhoon is a very sweet guy and a great bestfriend! To Liara he is the worlds greatest bestie. He loves spending time with her and making her smile. Besides being great looking, he has the coolest attitude. One great thing about him is, he doesn't worry about protecting his "cool" image. He isn't afraid to act silly and crazy. He is especially cute at doing aegyo. Ilhoon is strong willed and goes after whatever he thinks he deserves, even if that happens to be his bestfriend.

How you met: Met backstage at Show Champion. LJ had come to watch and supporting her labelmates F(x) who appeared on the show that day. While everyone was waiting backstage, they began talking and quickly hit it off. After the show was over,they exchanged numbers and began to frequently comminucate and hang out.They quickly became bestfriends.

Back-up love rival:Henry (Super Junior)


Idol rival: Victoria (F(x))

how you met: Met at the SM building during a practice.

why is she your rival: She is LJ's rival because Victoria doesn't like the fact that LJ is a rookie and gets so much praise and high compliments.She feels she hasn't earned her spot in the industry yet.


❥Step 5

Persona: Cutesy Tomboy

Stagename: LJ

Fanclub name: TomDolls (Tomboy Dolls)

Training due: 4 years

Before debut history :

  • cameo in "To the Beautiful You" starring labelmates Minho and Sulli




Positions: [choose A for 1st option and B for 2nd option]

[]Lead Dancer, Main Vocalist

[B]Main Rapper, Lead Vocalist

[]Main Dancer, Lead Rapper

[]Main Vocalist, Dancer

[]Main Dancer, Sub-Vocalist

[]Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer

[A]Main Rapper, Main Dancer


❥The last step, and you are done.

Comments: I like your story idea and full support it.fighting!

Scene request:

Scene request: I would like to maybe see the interview when Jonghyun went public with their relationship, also a collab song with the two of them would be fun to see, LJ baking goodies for the members,maybe a group date night with like karaoke or a group date game night, bestfriend scences with Ilhoon, cute scences with Jonggie :),skateboarding somewhere in there lol or her playing the drums for one of their performances :)

Anything else?: Nope thats about it :)

Password :

Group Debut Song: I Got a Boy

Solo Debut Song: The Baddest Female

Sub-Unit Debut Song: Maxstep



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