my brother

I accidently read my brother's diary and what makes me heartbroken is he wrote that he has intestine cancer. I freaked out but i just didnt screamwd to the whole house. He wrote that bcs he doesnt want our family be so difficult. He works for the sake of the medicine. Should i tell my parent or not? Guys plis help me. I wanna cry ao badly. I hope that this is the drama he creates. My mind came to think tht our family has tht intestine cancer gene. My uncle died bcs of it. There is probability tht my brother will have it. Oh my god im so worried now. He even wrote tht he found the right doctor.


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Akime136 #1
listen my friend telling you what you should to do may not be the right solution because we are not the same... not the same in anything but I hope this will help you... try to clam down first then think that you are your brother and you sister/brother read you diary... what do you want her/him to do ?!!

.tell your parents
.help you as she/he have not read you diary " like being nice if you are not... this is only e.g. "
.do nothing
.telling that she/he read the diary and I would help you as much as I can because in the end you are my brother!!


I really hope this will help you ... what you will chose if you was him will be the best ...

all my wishes for your brother to get well soon
gingah4evah #2
Don't confront him about it, because he would get mad at you for reading his diary. Try creating a discussion about your uncle and saying stuff like "I wonder if it's genetic"... But practice first, if you sound too fake and stiff, you're screwed.