can't live without fanfics ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅠㅜ

Ok!! first of all, I know this is Kinda late but RAMADAN MOOBARAK for those who knows this sacret month ^^

i made that xD 

anyways!! for those who doesn't know RAMADAN... you can google it cause I at explaining stuff.. never been good with words,i only make it  more complicated to understand *sigh*

but if if you're too lazy to do it this video will kinda help you out ..

the point is,in this month.. there's ALOT of things that we shouldn't do.. such as cursing,drinking alcohol(this one is forbidden but what can I say there's some muslums who drinks),watch including having intercurse during the day!!

but for me it'll be NO reading T.T

thats right... no more JONGKEY nor 2MIN neither EunHae  for A whole MONTH x'((

 I've already gone 4 DAYS!! FOUR F____ing    DAYS without even a oneshot.... and I'm goin' LOCA alreadyyyyyyyyy xC and i have nothing to do for the entire day without mentioning that 99% of the story I read are M-Rated T.T 

you GUYS would say "whats the big deal? it's just FICTION" but its NOT just that to me!!! .. its more like a daily drug,that i cannot pass without it!! my obsession with JONGKEY (jongkey shippers should know the feeling) its also more of an escape from reality,we're having ALOT of family issues.. problems that could probably end up by us being homeless .. like literaly :S 

and it makes me so scared,so i often get refuge in my fantasy world!! reading about my otps' keeps me going so now i became so depended on it that it's so unhealthy... i even lost inspiration for drawing anymore.. and i just graduated from high school but we have no money saving for college and i'm feeling so much frustrated right now x(((

Ugghhhh!! you don't need to know my f___ed up life so... yeah!! happy Romadhan again 


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yeah i know exactly how you're feeling ,gosh idk how i will survive without fanfics 'cause its a daily thing for me /sobs ...
ohhhhhh what a good sacrifice. christians do something like that but it would be TOO difficult for me to sacrifice iiiiiiiii!!!!!!!