Hello! :)

Hi everyone!~


I'm horrible at words but I hope I can make lots of friends,

read alot of good fics and hopefully write my own

fanfic/s on AFF! 

I've actually been reading ALOT of fanfics on aff for some

a long time but I only decided to make

an account earlier this year :P 

Well anyways, this is kind of awkward but erm..

I will be writing lots of blogs so please check them!


Oh and this is kind of weird to give some sort of 'shoutout'

since I'm not exactly renowned or anything but..

I'd like to give a HUGEE thankyou to my first AFF friend, SHINeeJam501!

We've been talking alot on kakao and it makes me so happy

to have met her because she really is a blessing to me :') 

Please check out her awesome fanfics, add her, talk to her 

and read her really interesting blogs!!~ 


Anyways I don't want to make this long and draggy so I'll end it here :P 

Byee! Thanks for reading!




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When are you posting blogs here? o n o.
You're a blessing to me, too. Oh, my God. You don't even know because you always make me smile, like seriously.

God bless you always, my Bacon!!! XDD <333
OMG You actually mentioned me, omg. omg omg!!!

UGHHHHH I love you so muuuuccchhhheeuuu!!! XDD

