BangDae's Love Child...

OMG I think I found BangDae's love's Chanyong from 100%
I was watching this variety show with Teen Top and 100% (i dont really know 100% tht well...) and when I saw him I thought he looked like Daehyun, then I searched his pic up and he looks like a combo of Daehyun and Bang! (well in some pics tho) 
This discovery was so exciting to me...and there's no one to share it I'll share it with you guys...and yea
I dont know if he looks like Daehyun or Bang to you guys tho, but in my eyes he does :)
Check out some pics of him (beware, there's music playing in this one...scared the crap out of me)
Guys, it's their love child I tell you...BangDae totally did the boom boom jiggity...
Whoa now, not only does Chanyong look like Daehyun and Bang, but thanks to XxWidaxX for pointing out another look like! This time it's BTS V and he looks like Daehyun and Baehyun x)
Also, Kangjun from C-Clown as well looks like Daehyun! (gimmepocky pointed this one out on one of her stories)
----------- got a lot of explaining to do.....


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coolkidz_BTOB #1
Oh yeahhh!!!! he really looks like him
Oh yeaaah!! XDD I noticed that Chanyong looks like Daehyun :) But that you mention he looks like a mixture of bang and dae, OMG...he doess!! :'DD

Now Bangdae have a son!

btw, do you know V from bts? .-. I can't help but think that he looks like Daehyun + Baekhyun! XD
Wtf ? How come I never notice it before ? The pic on gurupop looks exactly like Daehyun & Yongguk's mixed ! Omfg spazz moment >.<