♬♥Marry Me? ♡♪ LaChae (LC) Taylor



What shall I call you: Lani

Self introduction:♥♡♬♪  Hi hi! I'm Lani and im 22 years old from Dallas, Texas. I'm a kpoppin fool. I'm in college and work but yet kpop still takes over my life. I will be traveling to Korea early next year for three months of studies. I am also a writer, which is why I love AFF! I love your fic idea and fully support it!!!!! Ok bye or now.*runs away, trips,falls into lamp, rolls away* lmao!



Full name: LaChae Taylor

*Nicknames: LC

Stagename: LC


Date of Birth: 12/ 06/1991-Dec. 6, 1991

Hometown: Houston, TX

Ethnicity: African American (Holds Korean Citizenship)

Height and Weight: 5'5 (165 cm), 53 kg

Spoken Languages: English (Native), Korean (Lived there during childhood)



Your occupation: Rapper/Singer in an American duo group called Deuce, actress on Soap Opera "Days of Our Lives"

Country you’re active in: America

Your persona: Cutesy Tomboy



postion: Rapper/Singer

debut date: September 13, 2009
debut single: Super Bass (Nicki Minaj)
company: Young Money
group name: Deuce
group background : The group Deuce consists of two members, LC and Janae. They were first signed by Lil Wayne to his Young Money label in 2007. Before their debut, they were frequently used as back up singers and dancers for the existing label members. Both girls are singers, but LC is the only member that raps and considers that her primary role. In 2009, they released their debut album "Dose of Deuce" with their hit single "Super Bass". They quickly became popular through their hit single and began touring with their Young Money Family. That earned them recognition from fans all over the world. Their style of music is mainly hip hop, r&b feel. But they sometimes dabble in pop and yes a touch of rock :). After two more successful albums, the girls began expanding their horizons. While still doing music, LC scored an initial cameo role on popular soap opera Days of Our Lives, which turned full time. Janae is apart of a judging panel on a dance competition show. On top of all that, the girls have their own reality show on E! called "Double Deuce".

Members: LC and Janae

How successful are you?: 7.5



debut date:

debut single:

List of songs you’ve sung/will sing:


how successful are you?: [1-10]



debut drama/movie: Days of Our Lives (soap opera)

company: NBC

movies/drama’s/other you’ve starred in: "Suits"(USA Network Series) ,"Evil Dead" (Movie), "Double Deuce"( Reality show on E!)

how successful are you?: 8



Debut date:

What do you in this occupation?: [mention anything you think is significant]



ulzzang name: Jasmine Sanders
face photos (7+): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10   (I love her lol sorry for so many pics)

Date: 1 2 3 4 5

At home: 1 with shorts 2 3 4 5 

Formal: 1 2

Beach: 1 2 3 4

Travel: 1 2 3 4

Wedding: 1 2 3 4

Casual (Extra) :) :1 2 3




LC is a very outgoing individual.To many on the outside looking in, she's very shy and quite but when you get to know her she opens up like a flower.She is known for doing shameless random things. LC has no shame in doing plug ins and advertisements for her group.She very random and unpredictable. LC keeps a positive attitude about everything and gets excited quickly.Also she believes she is the first black girl to be a queen of aegyo. Although she is sometimes shy or quiet, she is a little ish :) hehe. LaChae is also an adrenaline junkie. Anything extreme gets her pumped and she'll be willing to try it. She skateboards, surfs, and knows how to play drums.She is the self procalimed "Cutesy Tomboy". She calls herself that because she loves doing wild exciting things that girls might not usually have an interest in, but still loves dressing up and looking very pretty. LC is crazy,fun and energetic all wrapped in one. She often enjoys running around the house in her kigurumi animal suits. She is also loving and has the biggest heart. Although having tough tendencies, she sometimes wears her heart on her sleeve.


LC was born in Houston, TX. Both of her parents are US Army officers are were stationed in Seoul, Soth Korea when she was 3. She lived there with her family until she was 15 years old, when she returned back to the states. While living in Korea, she became fluent in the language and told herself one day she would come back. Music has had a grasp on her life since she was 7. Her older brother is a producer, so she grew up watching him and his friends make music in their basement. She began to sing and rap over the beats they made, and eventually became a freestyle artist under her brothers independent label he created.She loved the thought of controlling the music and different musical emotions for the people in the crowd. She was discovered by Lil Wayne from a video of her free styling on YouTube. He began mentoring her and the rest is history.


  • puppies
  • cooking/baking
  • Horror Movies
  • producing songs
  • chamomille tea
  • anything extreme or risky
  • Asian guys
  • Kpop
  • baking to cheer people up


  • heat
  • close minded people
  • hurting others
  • not getting enough sleep
  • being falsely accused of something
  • running out of food
  • messy living areas
  • people who can't cook


  • painting
  • video games
  • baking goodies
  • sleeeeeping
  • writing songs
  • shopping
  • capturing moments on video and pictures


*fears :

  • spiders
  • living life wondering what could have been
  • disappointing her parents


  • cleans up every little mess
  • falls asleep to music
  • talks in her sleep
  • never drinks alcohol on Sundays
  • tends to kick off clothes in her sleep if she gets too hot
  • practices her soap opera lines in the shower


  • Very affectionate
  • likes to wear her hair curly
  • loves vanilla ice cream
  • owns 30+ Snapback hats
  • has a puppy named Jax
  • favorite color is pink
  • cant live without her ipad
  • her ipads name is "Clarke" lol
  • Her laptop wallpaper is a picture she took with Chanyeol from a K-pop concert in the states 
  • loves birthday cake lattes





Mother | Miranda Taylor | 47| sweet, caring, motherly, supportive,wise | These two are very close. LC loves her mother and would do anything for her

Father | Michael Taylor | 48 | funny, supportive, whitty, athletic | LC and her dad have special bond. He supports her fully and really loved that she played sports as a kid. He was like her unofficial coach.

Brother| Darren Taylor| 24| smart, musical, outgoing| These two have a normal close sibing relationship. Her brother is always there for her when she needs it.



Janae Evans | 21| LC and Janae get along great. They are groupmates and spend all their time together, so they were bound to become besties or sole enemies lol. They know each other like the back of their hands.| One night after a long studio session, the girls decided to get on "Chat Roulette" and video chat with random people all around the world.

*note: Chat Roulette is a video chat site that allows you to video chat with random people from all over. I used it once lol

Young Money Family| LC is very close to her fellow labelmates. They took her and made her apart of the family. The successfully work and all vibe off of each other.





ultimate bias/ideal type: [put a name…or two if you can’t decide. Like I can’t tell if I like Roy or Yoseob more XP]

top 5 boy idol groups:

ideal type: (you can write me an essay here. Be detailed~ or~ bullet point it XP)



Name: Kim Kibum (Key-SHINee)

Personality: Loud, outgoing, loving, funny, sometimes bossy, protective

How is he as a husband?:

Unlike his idol image, as a husband Key is very manly. At first, he had the "my way or the highway", type of attitude, but he quickly changed and became more understanding and open. He is tends to be very protective when it comes to his wife and hates when she has encounters with other guys. He is a helpful husband who doesn't let LC do everything by herself. He shows his feelings towards her frequently. He was even the first of the two to display skinship when he grabbed her hand to hold.

Things you like about him: I like that he's loud, crazy, he likes to shop, romantic,protective, loving, he's helpful, he and LC can speak each others language :), his angry pouts

Things you hate: nagging, sometimes too overprotective, when he won't listen, when he thinks he's always right,he spends more time in the mirror than LC does

His habits: he says "Yah!" a lot, screams during horror movies, talks to his dog Comme Des when no one else is around, girl group dances, leaves everything out when he's done cooking something,rolls his tongue and raises his eyebrow when he says something erted,asks LC everyday to kiss him, even though he knows she can speak Korean, he likes to mostly talk in English to her



Name: Kyuhyun (Super Junior)

What does he mean to you?: Childhood friend while living in Korea

How does he feel about your marriage?: He thinks its pretty funny because he can't see Key (his label mate),as a husband. He also points out that he wishes he could've been apart of the show as LC's husband.

Who do you want in the end? my Keke hubby



Location: Toy store in the mall 

Who proposes first?: Key

What does he/you say?:"Have you ever noticed how a puzzle just doesnt look complete without that last piece?" He then pulls out of his pocket, the missing piece to the toy store puzzle and places it down to complete it. "Well ive come to realize that you're piece number 1000 to my 999. So will you complete my puzzle?", he says.

Object of proposal: Matching silver charm bracelets with a puzzle piece on each. On Key's puzzle piece the word " LaChae" is engraved and on LC's, the word " Kibum" is engraved. When connected, they puzzle pieces fit together to become one.

Things you must have: none

*How it will go: Key suggets to LC that they go on a date to the mall.He leads her to a toy store there.Shes confused but goes along with him looking at different toys. He then leads her to a huge incomplete puzzle that has a missing a piece. 



Your dream home: top floor apartment. Links: Kitchen, Bathroom,Master Bedroom, Bathroom 2, Bedroom 1 and Bedroom 1 Bathroom, Bedroom 2, Living Room

your skinship level with your hubby: The skinship level in this relationship is pretty high. They hold each other and hold hands frequently. Before either one of them leave they give a peck on the cheek and sometimes the lips.

your relationship: Their relationship is best described as comical. They support and care for one another, but two big personalities in a relationship has a warning sign written all over it. When they agree with each other, they laugh do craaaazy random things together. Such as put on wigs and huge sunglasses,while dancing and singing all over the apartment. But when they disagree, they can bicker back and forth like two old people or two 6 year olds.

The best part of your relationship: The best part is that they are from two different cultures and backgrounds so they get to learn about each others traditions and upbringings. The second best part is what they probably bond over the most, fashion. They both have their own love for the clothes they wear and that is one common ground they both love standing on.

The worst part of your relationship: The worst part has to be that both of them have strong personalities, so they're bound to bump heads every once in a while. LC hates when Key is stubborn and only sees his way as the right way and he hates when she shuts down and doesn't talk to him.

You in this relationship: LC tries to be the best wife she can be to Key. She gets up every morning and makes him coffee (which he loves), and leaves a little note telling him to have a good day. She cooks a lot and even invites his group members to spend time with them. She goes with him to many of his events and performances to cheer him on. Even though there are things she could do better, she's still a supportive wife.

*Couple nicknames?: She calls him yeobo,honey and KeKe. He calls her yeobo, jagi,baby girl

*Couple anything?: They both decided to get "couple highlights" dyed in their hair. Key had a streaked portion of his hair that's her favorite color, and she has his favorite color highlighted in hers.They also have couple jackets.They're almost letterman jacket style. Their names are on the front, with their partners name and 91 for their bday year on the back.

*Couple persona: They are known as the "vogue couple", because everytime they're seen out, their separate styles complement each other so well. 



Why do you think you would be perfect for this show?: 

Oh hi there. I'm LaChae but most call me LC. I think I would be perfect for this show because I'm crazy,(in a good way of course), fun, and overall a fresh face for this kind of thing. I mean how many faces like mine do you see on Korean television? I tend to be random so you never know what I'm going to do next. I'm the kind of person that everyone can relate to. Just because its two celebrities in a marriage, doesn't mean its any different from anyone else's. And I would love to show the viewers that. I'd also love to get people's reactions when they see that I can speak Korean fluently. The reactions would be priceless right? Lol .So I would love if I could be apart of the show.

Deuce Daredevil LC outtie! *gives a salute*

Scene Requests:I'd like to see the scene where he proposes, them at their apartment, her going with him to his schedules, cooking scene together, dates, date where the rest of SHINee comes along. Scenes withh Kyuhyun and Keys jealousy,maybe him seeing her laptop wallpaper of her and Chanyeol and getting jealous about it


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iluvkpop28 #1
HUH??!! wtf is dis unnie? i can't read it all but, SERIOUSLY!!! WAT DA HELL IS DIS BOUT?? *confused*