
                The following morning the students were called down to the auditorium for the opening ceremony.

                “Ji Mi-ah! Ji Mi-ah!” Yun began pulling on Ji Mi’s arm frantically like she was a rag doll.

                Ji Mi tried her best not to fall for Yun’s constant desire for her attention. It’s been that way since they’ve met at the dorms. She turned her head reluctantly to her roommate. “What?”

                “Who is that boy!?” Discreetly as possible Yun tried pointing to the front.

                “I don’t know. There are a lot of people in this crowd—”

                “No-no! The really cute boy on the stage!”

                Ji Mi bobbed her head up a little higher, trying to figure out what she was talking about. There were a lot of people in Imperial Rose Academy, and the fact that they decided to place all of the students in the same room was beyond intelligent. Soon enough she caught eye of the stage. “Okay, I see like, six people on the stage, and in general they’re all good looking. So how do you expect me to know which one you’re talking about?”

                “Students! Students!” The teacher Kim Donghyun stood up to the podium, trying to settle down the students. “Find a seat already! Aish.” He was pretty young, fresh out of college and a little naïve, but he had no trouble controlling a crowd.

                “Shh!” Jin Ae hissed, trying to listen to what the people were saying. Honestly, people needed to grow up. “Listen to your teacher!”

                “Sorry, Unnie.” whispered Sanghee, telling Raina and Minjoo to save their conversation for later. Ever since she started rooming with Jin Ae, Sanghee had found upmost respect for her.

                When it finally got quiet, the student council president stepped up to the podium, all eyes on him. He flashed a winning smile, as girls fawned over his good looks. Behind him was his younger brother, Jo Kwangmin, where many other girls were equally squealing at the sight of the twins.

                Raina glared holes into Youngmin’s brain.

                Minjoo took both her friend’s by the arm. “T-that’s the guy… so that’s his name… it’s cute.” She blushed, her eyes not glazing away from Kwangmin.

                “Hello!” the twins chorused.

                Kwangmin bowed and said to the crowd of students, “Speaking today is me, Vice President Jo Kwangmin, along with my brother, student council President Jo Youngmin.”

                “Good morning, class!” Youngmin said cheerily into the microphone. “I hope all of you are situated and comfortable. As student council president I hope to make sure that this school year goes by as smoothly as possible.” He suddenly became more professional, as he cleared his throat. “Please don’t take your school subjects lightly. Imperial Rose Academy is a prestigious school, and your rank reflects the majority of your future.” A few students shivered at the thought of rigorous school classes. “But if there’s ever an issue, please consult the student council; we’ll resolve it as best we can.”

                Youngmin stepped away slightly so that Kwangmin could step in and have his turn. “Speaking of student council—I’d like to introduce to you our top students. We’ll always try to make time for anyone that needs help, starting off with secretary No Minwoo.”

                The crowd clapped as a young boy stepped up from the side, and bowed. Sanghee stared intently at him, remembering as the boy that gave her a room from before.

                “And please thank our advisor, Shim Hyunseong, for organizing these morning announcements.”

                An older boy shyly stepped up, and gave a little smile, before returning quickly to his chair.

                Kwangmin smiled some more, clapping. “And we shouldn’t forget our treasurer, Mirror Prince—oh, excuse me,” he laughed at his little slip-up. “Here’s Lee Jeongmin!”

                A bold young man with perfectly styled light brown hair stepped forward, bowing fully. “Hello!” he was the only one to speak.

                “That’s him! That’s him!” Yun said, pulling on Ji Mi’s arm some more. “That’s the really cute guy I was talking about! Lee Jeongmin… Mirror Prince… haha, nice nickname.”

                Ji Mi rolled her eyes. Her eyes drifted to Hyunseong, as she watched his blushing face. To her, that was way more adorable than any Mirror Prince.

                Teacher Donghyun finally took over, the opening speech going on long enough. He kindly grabbed the microphone from Kwangmin, tapping it lightly. “Thank you, student council. Now, all students, at this time, please report to your homerooms.”

Raina sat in her homeroom and looked around, the school was really something, it was so full of itself.  From the walls hung large frames of top idols that graduated from Imperial Rose Academy and became great in what they did. Maybe one day she herself wish to be up there upon them, she wanted to be able to show people what she could do and what she loved to do. The desks in the room were no ordinary desks like the ones in her old school, well may be it was like this because the last school she attended was an ordinary school.

When she first attended there people thought of her as why she would want to go to a normal school, she was rich and an heiress to a branded company for clothing’s. After an hour of homeroom the bell finally rang, letting them know that it was time to leave. As she was walking out the door her cell phone rang from the pocket of her skirt. Taking out the phone she looked at the caller ID, it was her aunt. Answering the phone she spoke first, “Yobeseyo.”

            “Raina dear, do you remember what this weekend is?” Her aunt asked.

“What is it aunt Minhee?” Raina asked.

“The meeting that you will have to attend this weekend at the company.” Her aunt pointed out.

“Oh yes. I will be there, don’t worry.” Raina said with determination.


Before her aunt could hand up Raina brought up a question “How is YunJun, is he doing okay?”

“Umm… Don’t worry about YunJun he’s doing great, though he missed you a lot come visit him when you have the time.”

“Okay bye.” Raina said hanging up the phone and leaning against the wall of the empty hall.

YunJun… sorry I never meant to leave you behind, but always know that noona is doing this for you.

Thinking about her brother made her think about their parents who died five years ago from a shipwreck; they were overseas attending to the business of the company when the ship sank from hitting a big rock. What she had heard was that no one survived, but she did not believe it at first, it took some time for her to finally let the reality sink into her heart. She had inherited the company from that time at a young age, and ever since she has been the president of the company, without anyone knowing it accept for the people that worked for her, she worked hard to bring the company to what it was today, and she would work harder for her dream.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Sanghee call her from a distance. “Raina? What are you doing?”

Raina looked to see as her friend as she walked towards her, “Nothing Sanghee! I was just thinking?”

“Did you get another call from Aunt Minhee again?” Sanghee asked curiously.

Raina smiled. “Well you know how she is?”

“Well don’t think about her now, let’s go meet some new friends I made.” Sanghee said, dragging Raina along with her.

They were in the upperclassmen rooms, where Raina was met with another girl. She looked much older, and very pretty. She broke her gaze with her text book long enough. “Oh, hi.” She said, her voice soft.

                “Hey!” Sanghee said, draping an arm over her. “This is my roommate, Jin Ae.”

                “Nice to meet you, sunbae!” Raina said, bowing. At that moment she was bumped by another girl, who hardly even noticed. A little insulted, Raina touched her shoulder, brushing off imaginary dust.

                “Yun,” Suddenly, another girl appeared and spun her around by the arm. “Tell her you’re sorry.”

                “What did I do, Ji Mi?” she pouted.

                Ji Mi rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she apologized to Raina on Yun’s behalf. “I guess Yun was thinking too hard.”

                “No problem,” Raina said with a smile, bowing. “I hope to see you around sometime.”

                “I’m sorry!” Yun suddenly bursted out, realizing what she did. “I didn’t notice I hit you, hehe.”

                The group of girls laughed, suddenly feeling extra comfortable with each other.

                “So anyway,” Jin Ae drawled. “Why are you here, Sanghee?”

                “Oh, I just wanted you to meet my friends!”

                Jin Ae gave her a soft smile. “That’s nice of you.”

                “No problem!” Sanghee replied, waving it off. “I hope we can be friends—”

                “Excuse me,” suddenly the teacher of the room appeared at their side, looking down at them disapprovingly. Jin Ae pretended she wasn’t a part of this and looked away, blushing furiously. “You students don’t look like upperclassmen.”  He slowly turned his head to Jin Ae, and in her defense, she broke down, and bowed her head so low it could go to the floor.

                “I’m sorry, teacher Kim. I’m the reason why they’re here.”

                A wave of pity suddenly washed over the teacher. Donghyun scratched his neck awkwardly; lucky no older teachers were with him to watch this. He was still young; in fact, he got reprimanded just like this not even a few years ago. “Aish.”

                Jin Ae lifted her head up slightly, curious. “Is there something wrong, teacher?”

                “What?” Donghyun snapped out of his trance, and immediately shook his head. “No,” he coughed, feeling uncomfortable. “It’s the first day… just go back to your classes, arraso?”

                “We understand!” Raina and Sanghee bowed, before flashing a smile towards the other three girls.

                Shortly after they left, Yun and Ji Mi left to let Jin Ae deal with the mess.

                “You’re supposed to be a model student.” Donghyun said to her, but not trying to make her feel like trash. “They’re not allowed to leave the classroom.”

                “I know, I’m sorry again.” Jin Ae glowered, looking away. Donghyun was about and ready to leave, when Jin Ae’s head suddenly bounced up. “Oh yeah! There’s one student I’d like to discuss with you, Kim Sanghee. She’s currently rooming with me—and I have no problem with that—but she wasn’t given room arrangements from the beginning. And I heard you’re head of housing…”

                Donghyun bit his lip. He knew he forgot something. He just had to forget something in his first year of teaching. Of course, screw it all up before even starting. “I’m sorry,” he frowned. “I’ll get on it right away. Ugh.”

                Jin Ae sent her teacher a faint smile. “It’s just an accident.”

                On a lighter note, Yun and Ji Mi were overhearing the little bits of gossip around the room.

                “You know that guy, Shim Hyunseong?”

                “Yeah, the shy one of the student council?”

                “Mmhmn… not only that, he’s the advisor. I heard from Jeongmin who heard from Minwoo who heard from Kwangmin—”

                “Get to the point, please. You’re giving me a headache.”

                “I heard there’s going to be a school event, social type.”

                “Don’t you mean, a party?”

                Ji Mi and Yun exchanged glances. Yun was grinning like a little Cheshire cat, containing her excitement. A party!


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