The clock strikes at Twelve

Clock strikes at Twelve

Pain strikes

Nightmare hunts

Darkness chase


That candy jar roll silently and fall on the floor.


It ended.

The candy life of that ordinary girl ended.


Skies blooms in dead blue and orange.

Birds start to chirp

Cars roll by the dull streets.

Slowly, the usual noise came to life.


Love or Duty? Someone asked randomly.

Love, one answered.

Duty, the other one said.


One. Two. Three.

The door screeched.

Thuds of steps break the silence.

Eyes bulged.

Her scream break the glass.


Clock rotates its hands counterclockwise.


The clock strikes at Twelve.

Pain strikes.

She bit her lips till it excretes some blood.

Tears and sweat flow endlessly.

She begged for help

She begged for miracle.

But only the Hooded came


Her soul leaves her body.

Her candy jar of life ended.

No one knows why.

Scratch it, everyone knows why.

But no one helped her.


She died.

She asked for help.

But only the duty of the Hooded came

She seek for Love

But only the duty of the Hooded came


The clock strikes at Twelve

Pain strikes.

Regrets turned into guilt.


The candy jar remained in its broken state.

No one deserved to mend it.


Dominance of Duty won over the Power of Love.


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deep and dark. But wow is wonderful.