it? XD

basically..i'm preparing to write a blog of the sort about me going on 'hiatus' or something like that in here as a 'reader-who-frequently-leaves-annoying-comments'.. well yeah~ we just had our general orientation earlier and i just realize how much i detest college life you know? i mean! come on! i'm almost there! almost walking down the red carpet *lol! it's as if i'm getting married! XD* to success! XDD hahahaha *laughing my stress out!*.. i was really thinking 'omg! last semester before i actually graduate! this is it! load will be much lighter just like the previous batch! omg!' but after the orientation i was cursing all hell! 'FML! seriously! what do they think we are? cyborgs? like all work no rest? sh*t!f**k!* yeah..full of profanities.. i know it's bad..but can't seem to help it. just thinking of what i have to go through for the next 5 months, i feel like jumping off the bridge and just die there! anyhoo, need to go.. will just have to explain later what hell i'll be going through this semester! *as if anyone cares right? XD* later dear friends..will have to attend to my graveyard shift on call duty! hope i can accomplish my cases tonight! ;))


#lehRANT! XD


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