Okay, so 'Clarity' won't be here anymore, or atleast for a while. She's gone to get help for her accessive lying (idk if she's told about that yet) so she gave me her account. Idk how on here works so I'm just going to introduce myself :P


Hey, My names Dylan. I'm friends with 'Clarity' in real life so I can tell you anything about her. I know her like the bottom of my foot (cuz knowing like the back of your hand is too mainstream). I'm a dude, yes, who likes kpop.... Idk if there are many guys who like kpop so I'm just throwing that out there. I'm in highschool, I like cats, and I'm 'friendly'. so yeah...... 


If there's anything you want to know about this y boy aight hurr: 

Then go ahead and ask and I'll try and get back to you when possible :)


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