xxx ( noonachinae)
xxx What should I call you? - Lani 
xxx How active are you? - 10
xxx Why do you want to be a part of this fic' ? - I absolutely love the idea for this fic! Very creative
xxx Comments / Questions? -I hope you love her!!!! :)


xxx ( BASICS )
xxx Full name - Nam Lee Hye
xxx Goes by / Known as - Lee
xxx Nationality - Korean
xxx Country of orgin + Birth place -  Korea + Seoul, South Korea

xxx Age - 21
xxx Date of Birth - May 06,1992


xxx Face-claim - Mint (Kim Soo Yeon)
xxx At least 5 good quality photos of them - 1 2 3 4 5 gallery
xxx Back-up Face-claim -  Mikki-gallery
xxx Height + Weight - 162+63 kg

xxx Clothing style - 1 2 3  5  6 7 8 

xxx Noteable Appearence Aspects - has two piercings in each ear lobe



xxx ( THEN AND NOW )

xxx Personality - Lee Hye is probably the most pleasant girl you could ever meet. She has this posititivity about her that draws everyone to her side. Whatever is going on, whether good or bad, Lee always keeps a smile on her face. At times, she can be overly happy. She's very hyper and is a little ball of energy. I suppose she's sort of a happy virus herself.

With others, she is very kind and gentle. She jokes around a lot to keep the spirits of those around her high. Lee has been known to have a few tomboy tendencies. She is an avid drum player, skateboards, and plays video games. Growing up she was a sports fanatic and greatly excelled at soccer. People joke about how someone so cute and small enjoy so many extreme things. Lee is loving and caring to those she holds dear to her heart. Also she tends to be a hopeless romantic, but she keeps that on the inside hehe.

xxx Background - Lee was born in Seoul, South Korea. She grew up with her mother, father, and two older brothers in a pretty good household. She always had the support and love of her parents.As a child, she played basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Growing up with brothers, she got into a lot of "non-girly" things. She picked up skateboarding at the age of 12 by watching her brothers and their friends. During  her school days, she was always on top of her game and made sure she was at least in the top 5 of her class. 

She is currently in college to become a sports agent. Before she gets all serious with her work and career, she wants to enjoy being young and have a lot of fun. That is the reason why she wanted to work at Manta. Lee has always been one to follow and do what she wants and right now, working at the resort is all she has on her agenda for the summer.

xxx Job - candy crush

xxx Back-up Job -  round park traveling








 xxx Love Interest - Park Chanyeol
xxx Back-up Love Interest - Byun Baekhyun
xxx Plotline - Lee and Chanyeol first met when they began working theur jobs. She wasn't to talkative at first, but him on the other hand wouldn't shut up. She sort of thought he was funny and she quickly opened up to him. Many customers that come to the candy shop assume that they are together because of their great chemistry. They would get shy when that happened and timidly tell the customer that they weren't together. As time went on and they got more comfortable together, Chanyeol would sometimes play along as tell them that she was in fact his fiance. Lee couldn't help but laugh at how serious he would make it sound. Secretly they both develop crushes on each other but is afraid of rejection. Surprisingly, it is Lee who asks Chanyeol if he would like to hang out sometime, when theyre not working. He was pleasantly shocked, but he agreed. She told him to meet her at the front gates the next day, since they had the day off. They were both nervous, but were happy to finally have the chance to have time to themselves. They met and hung out that whole evening at the park. It was a different feel since they were actually there as customers instead of employees. They rode rides and visited they're friends who were working the different rides and concession stands. Chanyeol won Lee a gigantic pink teddy bear and even carried it around for her. They really got to know each other much better that night. Chanyeol reeeeally wanted to ride the gigantic ferris wheel and begged Lee to accompany him on it. She laughed at his childlike ways and agreed to ride it. While she went to get a seat on the ride, she notices him talking to Suho who doesnt usually run the ferris wheel. She just brushed it off and figured they were just short on staff that night. The ride started and they were both excited to reach the top. They could see the whoooole park from up there.When they did make it, it seemed like the ride had stopped. They heard the Suho yelling about techinal difficulties and that the ride would be back working soon. Chanyeol began to point out to Lee how beautiful the park was at night from way up there. "Its all very beautiful isnt it? But not as beautiful as you", he said to her. She looked at him and didn't know what to say. "Im going to ask you something and you either say yes or no. Will you be my girlfriend?", he asked Lee. She was jumping for joy in the inside but remained composed on the outside, still showing excitement. After gazing into his happy eyes, she agreed and he began clapping uncontrallably and laughing. He then pulled a necklace out of his pocket and put it around her neck. The necklace simply said "Chanyeol". He pulled a necklace out of his shirt that said "Lee". She joked that it was good that she agreed to go out with him or those would've been a waste of money. They both laughed then ended up staring into each other's eyes. Right there, at the very top of the ferris wheel, under the beautiful stars, they kissed for the first time. Afterwards he giggled a bit and then gave a thumbs up to Suho, who then pulled the lever to get the ride going again. Putting two and two together, Lee realized that the ride didn't really stop, but this was all planned by her co-worker and new boyfriend :). 

Starting Relationship - They'll start off as friends because they work together. Eventually they fall for one another.

How do they act around each other? - They act like complete idiots around each other. They get compete laughs off of each other.   They both joke around with each other but are also very sweet and caring towards one another. Sometimes Lee is a bit more serious than Chanyeol, but she doesn't mind his everlasting sillyness. When guys that come into the store flirt with her, he gets very jealous and defensive of her (he does this before and after they start dating)


xxx Likes - color pink, video games, sports, clothes, Chanyeol :), baking, puppies,sleeping

xxx Dislikes -  Boring people, spiders, not getting enough sleep, mushrooms (allergic), serious guys 

xxx Fears - she fears ever wondering about what could've been, spiders spiders spiders,and that she won't have a successful life in the future

xxx Hobbies - plays the drums, skateboards a little, bakes, painting,photography 

xxx Trivia on Character - Key from SHINee is her cousin, loves collecting sneakers, wants to be a sports agent after college,loves cotton candy
Scene Suggestions - I would really like to see when Chanyeol confesses to her and gives her the necklace,them working at the store, maybe a guy flirting with Lee and Yeollie getting mad and protective, spending time with other friends in the park, maybe some kind of fun group date or group activity.


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