em burd / personal rant / friend categ.



hello there 

you're a fegit. 


Aghh why

is it so

hard to 

talk to


:(( =))


why is

it so

hard to

find somebody

that i can




// I'm weird. 

bec. i have this so called 

category of friends

and this is 

how i categorize them 


1) The fegits - I trust them so much that I won't really care if

they'll watch me give birth to my child 15 years from now. /coughsI'm14

andsoiguessillbelikearound29hahaha/ and by this category it means that i really

trust them as in i tell them every single little bull and all that i do

and as in everything like for example, "hey fegit i'll be absent for 2 days

bec. i'm lazy blablabla" and all those bull harhar so yeah like even if

we're alone together it never gets awkward well it can get quiet but not

awkward and yeaaaaah you know whut i mean right? 8|

2) Close friends - friends whom i can hang out with everytime w/o

getting the atmosphere awkward. Except I don't tell them anything

like i mean i do tell stories too except im more into listening when

im with them and i keep their secrets and all but of course if i have

like uhhhhhhm.....

e.g situation: 

close friend1 and I

well of course since we're only two i tell stories except the aura/

atmosphere that i give her is awkward but at times only harhar

3) YEY friends - I don't share stories with them much but I',

comfortable around them like I can just lean on them anytime or like

easily stick to them as in so close w/o any problem but i don't really

share much stories with them i just listen and ask and comment and that's

all HAHAHAHAHAHAH uhhm okay

4) Just a friend - I don't really share stories, she doesn't really tell 

stories. Uhhh, just somebody to be with so you won't get super bored 

haha omg lol

5) hu u friend - I'M NOT AT ALL close with them like a in seriously!!

I'm too awkward with them and I just answer them with a smile or something

or answer them in just like 3 sentences. the longest conversation that we can ever

make =----> 3-10 sentences :(( =))


-- p.s; how to live w/o appa -__-




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purple minions ok ftw
purple minions ok ftw