Poison Application - Park Min Jee/Xiu Cheng





Who  Are   You?

Username: dominikaq92

Your Name: Dominika

Activeness (1- Not Active 10- Always On): 10


You  Don  ' t   Know  Me

Birth Name: Park Min Jee/Xiu Cheng

Nicknames [And why?]: Gee (Because of similar sound of her name - Jee) , JeeJee (by her friends), Smarty Pants (because she is a little nerdy and very smart and she is not ashamed of it), XiuXiu (by her father as he always treats her as his little princess, Xiu means beautiful and elegant)

Date Of Birth + Age [17-23]: May 5th, 1992 - 21 years old

Ethinicy [Has To Be Somewhat Asian]: Chinese-Korean

Birth Place: Shanghai (China)

Hometown: Shanghai (China) - She moved out when she was 14, Seoul (South Korea) - since she became 14 years old

Languages [ Max.6]: Korean, Chinese (Mandarin) - fluent; Japanese, English - conversational; French - basic

Height [cm; Don't be a super duper tall or super duper short]: 170 cm

Weight [Don't be overweight/underweight]: 49 kg

Blood Type: O

You  Don  ' t   Know  Me

Ulzzang: Park Sora

Links: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Back Up Ulzzang: Lee Dasom

Links: Gallery

Personality [At Least One Paragraph;detailed]: Park Min Jee is a person, that knows everyone. She loves to party and hang out with her friends. She is usually very popular. She is very independend and confident girl. She knows what she want and she usually gets it. She sometimes can be a little mean and cocky. She is very fussy in everything: food, style, boys. She has a great charisma and that is why she shines on variety shows. She can lie smoothly even looking straight in your face. She can easily dominate other people because of her strong personality. She has a sharp tongue and she is rather smart. She isn't girly girl but rather y woman. She has an ability to 'talk' with her eyes - that means that she has very strong gaze that she uses only when she is mad. When you'll see this look you better Run Devil Run... She can't easily forget when someone hurts her and she never forgives. It's not easy to piss her off, as she usually doesn't care. She becomes really annoying when she is bored as she starts teasing others and joke around. She usually has to try really hard to eat healthy and to excercise a lot because she easy gains weight. She is really competitive and she can't lose.

On stage she becomes fierce and unstoppable. She is like a diva.

Background [At Least One Paragraph; detailed;Can be a sob story]: Park Min Jee is a daughter of Chinese pilot, who travels a lot. He was never at home as he was always flying around the world. Her mother is a stewardess (Korean nationality) she is very cold, distinguish and elegant person. She (her mother) is a daughter of a very powerful buisnessman in Korea.  Park Min Jee always had a very good life, her parents are rather wealthy and she could always ask about anything, she has a credit card without a limit. Her dad, who was never there for her, he would always buy her everything that she wanted. Her parents divorced when she was 14 and she moved to Korea with her mother. Their divorce wasn't the nicest one, but they agreed that Min Jee should live with her mother who had to end her career as a stewardess because she was easily too old. After their arrival to Korea Min Jee and her mother lived with her grandparents. Even though her grandfather is a little cold and snippy she was able to wrap him around her finger as she is his only grandchild. When she was 16 her mother married again with a very rich businessman, business partner of her granddad. After couple months her mother was pregnant with her stepbrother. Her dad even though he didn't marry again he as well became a father, because his girlfriend gave birth to a girl. And that is how she became an older sister. Actually after her parents divorce she was able to meer her dad more often than before because he changed his trace and now he was flying only through Asia so he often visited Korea and Min Jee was always there to meet him. She was scouted to her agency only because of her look, they didn't know if she could sing or dance. When this happened her mother (who always wanted be famous) was really happy and encouraged her to take this opportunity. Her father wasn't so happy about it and Min Jee had to convince him.

Style Description: She is a fashionista. She had a little fame even before her debut - because of her fashion blog. She loves designers clothes and she has a lot of those as well as vintage clothes. If she wouldn't become an idol she would try to go to a fashion school and became a designer herself. She has good taste. She loves to wear high heels.

Casual: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Formal: 1  2  3

Dorm: 1  2

Training Clothes: 1  2

It  is  Immority ,  My  D arlings.


[Father/45/Yun Cheng/ Pilot]

[Mother/43/Park Min Ha changed to Hwang Min Ha after second marriage/ Stewardess (later housewife)]

[Brother/5/Hwang Myeong Ki/ Kindergarden Student]

[Sister/3/Xia Cheng/Child]

She also has a stepmother and stepfather, and grandparents but they aren't that important in this case.

Best Friends (Max.3):

[Fen Lo/Photography Student/She is Min Jee best friend since always. She is Chinese and she lives in Shanghai, she is a daughter of a famous Chinese painter. They are still friends even though Min Jee moved to Korea, they visit each other from time to time and they talk often via phone or via internet. She loves art and is very talented but she is as well a little eccentric. She has artistic soul and when she is taking photos she becomes very serious and bossy./22]

[Dong Young Bae (Taeyang)/Idol - Big Bang Member/Taeyang and Min Jee met once on the party and they both rocked the dance floor. Since then they became best friends, they often party together. They are really close and Min Jee treats Taeyang as an older brother that she always wanted to have. Taeyang also loves her like his little sister. They always have fun together and they don't need words to communicate. They often joke around together./25]

Friends (Max.5):

[Mong Ji Ah (Jia)/Idol - Miss A Member/Jia is an awesome person, always funny and cheerful, they often go shopping together. Jia likes to spend time with Min Jee, because they can talk Chinese . Jia is really chilled and she likes to have fun./24]

[Lee Min Hyuk (Minhyuk)/Idol - BtoB Member/Minhyuk is very talented in sports. He is a bad boy when it comes to girls and probably because of that he is always surrounded by them. He and Min Jee are close and they always have something to talk about./23]

[Choi Cho Hee/Model/Cho Hee is probably the most famous amongst Korean Idols, she dated half of them. She loves to party and she usually ends up drunk and in bed with someone. She loves Min Jee and she always tries to bring her on a dark side. They often go to the gym together. She is a little vain and very confident, and she is a great friend to Min Jee./21]

Rivals: (Optional)

[Jessica Jung/Idol - Girls' Generation Member/Jessica is well known as an Ice Princess. She has a huge crush on Kris and she knows that Min Jee also likes him. That is why they really don't like each other. Jessica isn't a bad person but she is really jealous of Min Jee and Kris relationship./24]


I  Love  You


Name: Wu Fan (Kris)

Age: 23

Group (Please Read the rules): EXO (EXO-M)

Relationship [Friends? Dating? Secret Crush]: Kris and Min Jee are good friends, and they both have crush on each other but none of them wants to admit it.

How you act around each other: There is so much chemistry between them that at first they were really awkward. When they became closer they started to like each other even more. They are still awkward when there is skinship between them, that's why they try not to touch each other. That is because once they ended up making out in a closet after they accidentaly bumped into each other. They both have crush on each other but none of them will admit it. They are both really jealous of each other and they can argue for a long time. When they argue they usually mix all of the languages they both know - Korean, Chinese and English. Min Jee sometimes even uses Japanese. He is probably the only person in the world that can make her shout. When they are not arguing they usually tease each other. There isn't a part of Kris body that he feels uncomfortable when someone is touching. When Min Jee found out about that she persuaded every person that she met to start touching him, what made him really angry. Their relations are really weird. When they meet each other Kris always welcomes her with words 'You Again?'.

Wanted Scenes: When they are both jealous of each other and starts to argue in couple languages.

When they are both on a party together and they both get drunk and end up kissing.

When they meet on some variety show and starts teasing each other what makes everyone suspicious about their relations.

When Min Jee sees Jessica kissing Kris and than she starts to ignore Kris, because she didn't know the whole situation, what makes him really pissed off.

When they will finally talk to each other Kris tells her that he likes her and they start dating.

When the fact that they are dating is revealed by someone who saw them together and there is a huge scandal and Min Jee becomes public enemy number one for all EXO fans.


Back Up Love Interest: Luhan (EXO, EXO-M)

Age: 23


Likes [Min 5]:

Partying, healthy food, tall charismatic guys, hanging out with her friends, fashion, running, watching movies, high heels, music, funny people, drinking, shopping, dancing, designing and sewing clothes, taking photos, learning languages.

Dislike [Min.5]: Boredom, the fact that she easy gains weight, the fact that she has no aegyo, driving (because she really in this, she has already had three accidents), bugs, saving money, losing.

Fears [Min 3.]: She is always afraid that she will gain weight, she is also afraid that her parents will stop love her as much as earlier now, that she has younger siblings. She is also afraid of spiders and mice. She hates reptiles.

Hobbies [Min 3.]: Fashion (designing), music (playing piano, singing, rapping), languages, sports, dance.

Habits [Min 2.]: She always fixes her hair, she smokes when she is nervous, when she sleeps next to someone she always ends up hugging her/him tightly, she bites her lips when she is embarassed. When she is scared she starts shaking. She curses in Chinese while sleeping.

Trivia [Be Awesome and write whatever you want]:

She gains weight easily.

She loves to run, she took part in couple marathons.

She has a very strong gaze.

Before she became a trainee she had a fashion blog that was really popular overseas.

She loves Penguins of Madagascar and her favourite character is Rico.

She loves extreme sports, she would be first to jump out of tower (bungee).

It is very hard to make her shout, as she usually becomes really cold when she is mad.

Her ideal type is charismatic, tall guy, who can make her smile.

She never really remembers about other people birthdays and any important dates.

She knows capital of every country in the world. 

She always forgets to take her phone with her.

On her iPod she has every song that Big Bang ever made and she knows every single line.

She really in acting because she can't express her feelings. She is probably the worst actress ever.

She loves Running Man and she always roots for Yoo Jae Suk and Kwang Soo.

She thinks that T.O.P from Big Bang is the most handsome man that have ever existed.

She has lipstick in every possible color.

She can type really fast on both - her phone and her computer.

She plays piano well, but not as well as she would like to.

She is always first one to wake up.

She has an allergy on citruses, but she really loves oranges so she often ends with a rush.

She is always scolded by manager because she likes to annoy him a lot.

She  has disproportionate body and she has really long legs that guys can't  stop staring at when she wears short, but because of that she often has problems with buying pants.

She can sleep with open eyes but she doesn't do it because it's creepy.

When she was younger she wanted to be a magician.

She also had a crush on Clark Gable from Gone With The Wind.

She can cook really well but she usually tries not to, because she doesn't want people to think about her as a future homebody.

If she could go back in time she would like to meet Coco Chanel and Elvis.

She is Vegan.

She really hates Pororo but she doesn't want to tell anybody why.

Her favourite color is white.

Her favourite actors are Gong Yoo and Kim Bum.

She really loves horror movies.

She read every Stephen's King book ever written.



Stage Name: Chloe, Chee, Jee or Ahti (Sorry, couldn't decide, just choose the one that You like)

Persona: Pistol

Poistion: Triple Threat (Vocalist, Rapper, Dancer)

Back Up Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer

Singing Twin [Ailee is Taken]: Hyorin (Sistar) - back up is Park Bom (2NE1)

Dancing Twin [Hyoyeon is Taken]: Minzy (2NE1) - back up is Hyuna (4Minute) or Jia from Miss A.

Rapping Twin:  CL (2NE1) - mostly because a. she is an awesome rapper and b. I think that she and Hyorin have similar voices. (Back Up is Jia from Miss A) - I wanted to change for LE from EXID>



Comments: I just hope U liked it and that I will be accepted. I really like the concept of this story and I would really like for Min Jee to become a member of Poison. Even if You won't accept her I will still read the story :), because it looks promising. Fighting.

Questions: Did I write everything right? Was it too long?


Good Luck :D


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