↷ authentique ♡ Yoo, Junghee




Yoo, Junghee
inspirit_fan_X3 — Seck — 9



name: Yoo, Junghee


 Tsubaki ; called by her parents ; it's her middle / Japanese name given to her by her father.

↷ Taffy ; called by her closet friends ; they claim she is actually very sweet like taffy, and thus, this nickname was borne.

birthdate: 06/12/94

age: 20

ethnicity: 3/4 Korean ; 1/4 Japanese


 Korean ; native / fluent

↷ Japanese ; basic

↷ English ; basic



ulzzang: Lee Dasom || gallery

backup ulzzang: Ryn || gallery

appearance: Junghee has long hair, which stops at her waist though most people don't notice because she ties her hair up in a ponytail, braid, buns, and all types of hair styles . Every day is always a different one, as she likes to stand out. Her face is pale, not white. That's why when she's cold or blushes, you can tell because its obvious. She has baby fat on her cheeks, a bit on her stomach still. She has a piercing on her left ear and three on her right ear. She has a small scar on the left of her cheek, when she accidentally scraped it with a knife while cooking. She weighs 52 kg with a height of 168 cm.

style: Junghee likes to dress to impress, even at work. She's stylish, always following the recent trends to see. At home, she can be seen wearing basketball shorts and a tank top, despite her fashion outside because rarely anyone visits her home. Outside, be it anywhere or doing anything, she wears dresses or skirts, the length usually stopping at her knees. She loves floral print outfits, the only exception being pants, and also frills. At work, she is usually seen wearing a blouse matched with a black fitting skirt that hugs her legs.



persona: feisty flower girl

personality: Junghee, though very beautiful and fragile looking, is actually strong-minded. Once she has an opinion, she sticks to it like glue. If you think she's weak-willed, you're definitely wrong. She's blunt, never afraid to speak the truth about what she thinks of people and of what they do. She's short-tempered, especially when she's upset, stressed, or tired. She's hard-working as well, and you will often see her glued to work, and she tries to make it as perfect and up to expectations as possible.

At home, it is not so different. She's competitive in games, most things actually. She's passionate about her hobbies and though she may not seem like it, she tries her best to fulfill people's needs though if you nag her about it, she won't hesitate to stop. She's witty, having a quick tongue which comes in handy when people start to whine or insult her. She's hard to get close to because of her intimidating presence but when you do, she opens up pretty easily. However, do not stick to her too much or force her to hang out with you, she doesn't like being tied down. She's independent, which makes her hard to approach. Overall, though on the outside she's tough, independent, and menacing, she can be childish and sweet at times. 

background: Junghee came from a caring family, raised to their expectations of course. They wanted her to be in a medical career or engineering at least but she had already been swept away, she knew what she wanted to be. A fashion designer. Her mom had always watched those fashion shows where the model would strut down the walk and pose. At the age of 5, Junghee had a childish dream, to become a world famous designer. When she matured, she realized that perhaps the idea was silly, maybe she should become a doctor but the burden would be too much. As hobbies in school, she took home economics and tailoring. However, it finally hit her. She could achieve her dream, as long as she was willing to pursue and start small. At the age of 15, she was already seeking for possible places to work at, one that would hire when she was 18.


 She loves flowers as her middle name is a name of a flower. They have a relaxing feel, at least to her.

 She dislikes being outside too much because according to her, it distracts her from wonderful ideas and thoughts as it is too distracting.

 Her favorite holiday is Halloween because she can be creative and make costumes, wearing them without being judged. She also gets candy, and she still trick-or-treats to these day.

↷ She loves sweets, and she'll get random cravings every now and then.

 Of course, being of Japanese descent, there was one time of her life where she was an otaku. Her life used to revolve around anime and manga though it has toned down. She still has a bookshelf of her collections though.

↷ She dislikes music as these days, that's all she hears as she walks through the streets for shopping or what not. The only genres she can tolerate are ballad and classical.

 Coffee is her main addiction, she cannot live without it and must have one everyday to keep her energized and awake. Her favorite is mocha frappe.

 Her favorite designer is Anna Sui, and she actually has one of her dresses in her closet.

 Junghee has always been a reader. Her favorite genre is fiction, because of the creativity that was put behind it. Not so far behind is mystery.

 You have been warned, she is not an innocent girl. She will curse when mad, and she knows a few profantities from other random languages as well, such as Sweeden, English, and Japan.

 She likes gaming, and she often watches walkthroughs or tutorials on YouTube. She likes pewdiepie the most.
( Note: That's where she learned the Sweedish cuss words orz /slapped/ )




father | Yoo Hyunjin | 45 | pilot | strict, unemotional, tense, and cold | Junghee finds it amazing how her mom actually married her dad because he seems to ignore everyone, even his own daughter. He's always rushing off to work and when he comes back, he goes straight to sleep. They rarely talk, though he does show his affection when he leaves small gifts behind from his trips, the little breaks in between. He's also easily angered, must be due to the stress so he snaps at the smallest things at times, and Junghee would fight back. Overall, their relationship is not close, but stable enough where they could handle each other.

 mother | Yoo Chommi | 44 | housewife | aloof, cheerful, over enthusiastic, energetic | Their relationship is pretty much your typical loving one. Junghee always consults her when she runs into problems and Chommi would always listen, trying to give her the best advice as she can. Though intelligent, her mom is pretty clumsy, and thus, Junghee would always help around when she visits, in fear that her mom would break something again. Chommi likes to spoil her daughter, taking some of the money and spending it on her birthdays for expensive jewelry or dinner.

 brother | Yoo Joongki | 16 | student | quiet, pessimistic, rebellious, conceited | When they were young, they used to get along so well, Jongki always sticking by her side until one day, everything changed and she had no idea why. Now, Jongki would always avoid her, and he's not who she loves and remembers. She tries to fix her little brother and take him out once in a while, but he would either say no or run away the moment she glances elsewhere.


Nam Jinyoon | 19 | shy, kind, quiet, slow | Jinyoon and Junghee have been best friends ever since elementary, though no one knows how they would even get along. Jinyoon would come by the shop once in a while to greet her and sometimes comes over with coffee for her. She pays a visit no matter what and during days off, Junghee would come over to her place instead. They're like sisters, also consulting each others for problems and comforting in times of needs.

 Lee Kangsoo | 21 | out-going, arrogant, sly, and picky | How Junghee and Kangsoo met was indeed something different, but they're close friends. At times when Junghee doesn't get enough sleep or persists to stay up and work, Kangsoo would literally drag her away, forcing her to sleep. Though they have small arguements over silly things and may playfully punch each other, they were like family. He is Jinyoon's boyfriend, and Junghee was the one that introduced them. Usually, when they're in public or even have time to hang out together, he would always boast about his life and how well he's doing.



plotline: the shy, shy, shy, boy

backup plotline: the slow kiddo

love interest: Moon Jongup

backup love interest: Lee Sungyeol

personality: Jongup is definitely someone who you will not meet every day. He's absolutely gorgeous at first glance but when you approach him, he's adorable. He's very sweet and caring, and he will always have a shy smile on his face along with a tint of red coloring his cheeks. Around guys, he's relaxed, able to have fun and he could care less about what he says. He opens up to them quite easily, and he is always found around the guys most of the time. However, during moments that he's with girls, he is different. He tends to shy away, backing up without meaning to as he easily gets flustered at the mere sight of a girl walking up to him. He doesn't know how to talk to him, so his questions and sentences would come out as little stutters, his head slightly hung low to hide his blush. He's bashful around the women, which is why he attracts them so much. His cute side is appealing but when he's working, it's even more attractive. He is a diligent worker, always giving his all though he's new and you can see a new kind of glimmer in his eyes as he works. Jongup, once working, if very focused and sometimes so into his work that he wouldn't be able to hear others that are calling him out. He is not a perfectionist, so sometimes he does mess up but as quickly as possible, he tries to fix it. If he can't, he'll ask one of the guys for help.

first meeting: Before, Jongup and Junghee had already met way back in the first year of elementary schools, though as time passed, he had to move away. They soon forgot about each other but were soon reunited. Unfortunately, due to the amount of time, they did not recognize each other at first glance, or even when they pass by each other through the halls. They meet again when they're assigned on the same project together.

relationship: Their relationship is pretty much great on terms such that Junghee is a bit unapproachable to guys. She's willing to help Jongup though she notices the blush on his cheeks and such. Jongup, like the male he is, would continue to act flustered with her, stumbling with his words and fumbling with his things, which would amuse her to the point where she laughed. They hang out with each other during lunch, since Jongup noticed that she usually ate alone and dragged her over to his table with the males.



why do you want to work here?

Well, it's quite a long story but I'll make it short and simple. It's always been a dream of mine to create something worthy for someone's perfect moment in their life. For someone's fantasy to come true when they see one of the pieces that I've worked on, that's all I want. I want to make their dream a reality, and I will surely try my best.

what do you want to work as?

I want to work as a bead specialist, and if not, then embroider.

what are you good at?

I'm great at being on time and organized. I can keep my schedule tight and I'll be able to finish before the deadline for sure. I'm also good at making details, whether it be the design of the laces or choosing the beads for jewelry. I have a sharp eye so I can spot out a few mistakes here and there.

are you going to live here too?

Most probably not. I have rented an apartment nearby since my family also live fairly close by as well. Unless I have to stay back and work, I'll probably be living in my apartment.

what do you think of your boss?

Myungsoo, how to say this. Ah, Myungsoo is really someone to look up too. He's great at what he does and although he can be a bit too stubborn, his work comes out great and fantastic as ever. I'm not saying that I want to be like him, but he's definitely a role model to me.



comments: Ugh ;A; I just realized that I made her personality like Myungsoo after I reached the "What do you think of your boss?" part but I don't know whether I should change it or not ;; Ottokke? I think I'll keep it for now orz I had a hard time choosing between the plotlines and ugh the jobs too because I wanted to be everything but no XD
Anywho u v u great apply fic and I hope that you at least enjoy my application ;;

scene suggestions:

Jinyoon gets engaged to Kangsoo and looks to the shop to plan her wedding.

 Jongup and Junghee work together and to get inspiration, Jongup takes her out though he doesn't know that she doesn't like it. She doesn't protest as she can see that he's trying his hardest to get ideas for work.

 Junghee soons become the only girl that Jongup isn't shy around after getting to know each other more.

 Once invited to his lunch table, she gets hit on by his friends but Jongup goes out of his way to protect her, flushing when he got teased for sticking up for her. They started to say that he liked her, which caused her to blush as well, being embarrassed.

 When Kangsoo comes over and they start to talk to each other, Jongup becomes jealous and pulls Junghee's arm gently without thinking.

anything else? a bridal shop




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