I'm not alone


 This is my loneliness post....





Im not alone... I'm not alone

the first time I said that was when my cousin and sister totally ignored me.

Im not alone... I'm not alone 

The second time I said that was when my best friends told me I wasn't worth their time.

Im not alone I'm not alone 

the third time was when she came back but only for after school.

Im not alone I'm not alone

the fourth time was when we entered high school and our first encounter since the year before. She glared at me.

Im not alone I'm not alone

The fifth time was when I sat down in that music room on the first day and no one willingly say next to me.

Im not alone I'm not alone

The sixth time was when I got new friends and learned their hobbies and interests

Im not alone I'm not alone

the seventh time was when I went pass their limit and went rather than they did in their own interests.

Im not alone I'm not alone

the eighth time was when I discovered something new to kill my boredom (Lol kpop) and they didn't follow.

Im not alone I'm not alone

the ninth time was when I found new friends who also liked my new thing

im not alone I'm not alone

the tenth time was when they finally followed, but they weren't following me, they were following them.

Im not alone I'm not alone

the eleventh time was when I kept saying something but nobody was listening

im not alone I'm not alone

The twelfth Time when the old friends took my new friends and excluded me from conversations I didn't need to in on.

im not alone I'm not alone

the thirteenth time when one by one each of them dropped out of our little circle.

Im not alone I'm not alone

the fourteenth time when summer came and I seem to be the only one talking........

why must I talk if there's no one to respond.



I doubted that they would drop off all contact with me. I guess I was wrong.

They all left forcing me to start afresh..... Clean of anyone else with "nothing or no one holding me back" from "my dreams or goals"




Im alone.































I had more but 14 was my age number and I didn't want to stop at some random number.

Don't take this seriously. This was originally supposed to be a story but I didn't know how to write it down... In a fanfic....

this is pretty much pulling out the memorable negative parts of the fourteen years of my short life as a teenager. So if I were actually a ngative person I would think like this, but I don't. 



Cause I Know. I Am Not Alone



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Everglider #1
It never fails to amaze me how poetic you can be like wow where do I get some of this?