eyeball T.T

So today's random topic (my blog is so random I realized lol I regret nothing!) Eyeball T.T It's this new trend in japan and it's supposed to be for affection. … … >„>? Like what?! Let me list all the cons of eyeball - • Pink eye • STD's • Potential BLINDNESS • Silva on your eyeball Do I really need to go on? Do you know how many germs are all over our tongue. Plus .. just why WHY?! YOU CAN HOLD HANDS OR HUG JUST DON'T EACH OTHERS EYEBALL!! Because it's your own fault whatever you be gettin. You only have yo self to blame. Now if you done it that's your business I can't control your life. I just hope you atleast made sure you could risk it. _o_ I don't know .. comment what you think i'm honestly curious about how you feel on the subject. O.o


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dm_robot #1
ewwww thats also disgusting XD
whaa??? seriously??? that's crazy and creepy -_- .... how come that eyeball thingy becomes trending???? and and supposed to be affection??? -_- ... that's disgusting like other's armpit!!! i would gladly say "yes" if it's each other tongue hahaha lol (kidding) but seriously eyeball there's a lot of ways for showing affections but -_- idk anymore~
eyeball is really reallu disgusting! as you said there's no better way to catch an infection... plus really, why would someone do that?! It doesn't even feel good I bet... I think it's only trendy among young teens though... but anywaus I hate anuthing that has to do with touchin eyes...
Angela27 #4
and i'm wondering how it even turned into a trend... = =
that's some creepy way of showing affection O_O
I've actually seen the video and it looks very painful.... I don't even why they're doing this..
Ahhh... suddenly my eyes are hurting aargh... *covers her eyes*