My mom found on my iPad

Yesterday was traumatizing!!!

I'll tell you why.

My mom found on my ipad..........dios mio!




So, yesterday I was playing pokemon white version while my mom was using my ipad. I'm winning the battle easily. My level 100 emboar putting the hurt on this level 65 scolipede. I finish the battle, and collect the $6,700 pokedollars. Then out of nowhere, she says 

"Who's going on You!" 

My eyes widen! I say nothing for a couple of seconds. 

I say "What? You? I don't look at !" My heartbet speeds up. I walk over to her and grab the ipad. I see in the recent searches bar: You, hub, and.......asianfanfics!! (DAMNIT, I thought I cleared my history!!!) A struggle ensue's but I win the fight and have retrieved the ipad. I then get up off the bed, with my iPad, and videogames in hand. Tensions have risen, I've got my mom, ad my dad looking at me. So, I decide to come clean.....

"Alright, I look at !" I say as I scratch my arm, and a wave of embarassment, guilt, and shame wash over me. Then for some comic releif my dad says 

"It's hard to be a teen without looking at an !" And he starts to chuckle. I walk out the room but a little while later, I walk back in because we were discusing family vacation plans. She still seems a bit miffed about the incident earlier. While she's painting her nails she says

"So, what do you think about those plans jerkyboy." 

"MOM!" I say in outrage

"Well, if you stop watching , then we won't call you that." She says. But she continues to explain " doesn't show a correct view on what a relationship should be like." I was thinking 'Oh! That's why you don't want me looking at .'

"Alright fine!! I'll stop looking at !! And yes the vacation plans sound good." I say as I walk out of the room. 



Then later on that night, while my dad was in the bathroom, we have a talk.  She's reading a magazine, while I'm reading up on xenomorphs. She begins to ask me.

"So who turned you onto ? Was it your brother?"

"No ma'am." I asnwer while I keep looking at my ipad. I'm too embarassed to look up.  

"Was it your biological father?" She ask again. There's not a hint of anger, in her voice. It was more fo a chat, but, an uncomfortable chat....for me anways.

"No ma'am." I answer again 

"Well then how'd you get to then?" She asks

"MOM! This is sorta uncomefortable." I say

"We're just having an honest chat here." She says

"Well, I was reading up on the illumaniti on, my finger slipped, and pressed an ad. Then the ad took me to a website." I say in what seems like one big breath with a worried look on my face. Then she says

"Well don't look at it again. I'm going to block your laptop, and your ipad." she says

Right on cue, just to add to my embarassment, there comes this commercial to stay a until you get married. Then she says that it'd better to stay a until I'm married......She said "It'd be better emotionally." or something like that.....?? I don't get it.


Thank God we haven't talked about it since. But yeah, that was my ty sunday. 


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gosh... you must have been through it all with a red face!
Hahahahahaha...Poor hubby.....
Well, at least both of you are honest to each other. :-)
hahahahaha you must've been sooooo embarrassed LoL

Wonder what she would said if she read WONKYU on your Ipad hahahaha
babymichiie #4
Hahahaha, this sounds so funny. But seriously.. if it was me, I would probably be dead by now. T^T
O_O ...Oh lord I would be embarassed if I was caught reading that stuff .///. Wait. Actually I did get caught reading a fic but only once thankfully. I always click off right away if I'm reading or when someone walks in ^^;