ELF, we are one big family.

This my first time writing a post here because I just had to rant my thoughts some where before I go bonkers. I believe ELF might know what I am going to say in this posts here. But before I say anything, I need to you understand that this post is merely my perspective of the situation and I mean no harm. I am not bashing neither am I referring this post to anyone in particular. But, if you were to hate me even after me saying this...then there is nothing that I can do about it, because eventually its your choice on how you are going to take this message of mine.

So, I believe that ELF are fully aware about the tension and fights between the ONLY13 and the ONLY15 and the SJ13+2. Honestly speaking, this fight is getting ridiculous. We are on big family. We are not just fans of Super Junior but we are a family. The last thing that should ever happen is for us to break up because of this. ELF are the strongest only when we are united as one. Not like this ELF. I know I might not be in the right position to say this because I only became an ELF in the year 2010. Hence, you can say I only became an ELF for three years. I might not be there with them from the start. But I am and will be there even until the end. Throughout this three years, it was never been an easy task to be an ELF. You have to go through all sorts of bull to support and protect our fifteen boys. We have to go through far wars and those fans that loathe SJ as well as conflicts within our fandom itself. The fact that I was there at SS5 SG and hearing Hyukjae say all his worries in front of us and having the courage to face ELF made me really sad. The fact that the SJ boys, the one that we cherish and love and promise to protect with all our hearts and promise to not hurt them, are aware about inks conflict within ELF. I am sure you all know very well that our relationship with our boys is not a normal idol fan relationship. As I said, we are on big family. They take care of us like how our brothers would. But now, with this ONLY13 drama, we are hurting the ones that cherish us the most. Honestly, what have Henry and Zhoumi done to deserve this kind of treatment from us which they treat so sweetly to. So please, ONLY13 I am begging you to PLEASE try to accept them. Henry and Zhoumi have been through a lot to get to where they are now. Anyways, what is so wrong with them participating in SS5?! They are a part of SJ. They have all the rights to be there and perform for their fans. Don't you ever think of those fans that want to see Henry and Zhoumi too? Please, don't do this. 

And now to those that is leaving the fandom just because of what Hyukjae said yesterday. Shame on you. First of all read what he said properly before you come to any conclusions. He cares for both Henry and Zhoumi. He doesn't want those that he cherish the most, ELF, to fight because of this. Honestly speaking, my respect level for him has risen so much. It's not easy to face ELF and saying all this. If you were there you can see how sad and worried and hurt he was. By his voice, his eyes, his body actions...you'll know. We promised not to hurt our boys, but look at what we are doing now? And if you are going to leave this family because of this and assuming that SJ are bullying Henry and Zhoumi withot even knowing what is really happening...I hope you really reflect on what you are doing. Think about all the sweet memories you have with this family rather then just looking at the bad side of everything. Don't you have that soft spot in you for this family that you have spent your time with for however long you have. Are you willing to let all this memories go just like that? I sure would not. No matter what problem we face, we should face it together and solve it as a family. Keep in mind that we are not just fans. Don't you ever think about how our angel leader would feel when he comes back from the army to see his fandom so broken? I know that being a ELF is not an easy thing to do. But it's the end product of this sufferings that makes it worth it. We are known as the most united fandom so let's keep it what way. I love my ELF family. We are Ever Lasting Friends for a reason. One thing it's for sure, I would never leave Super Junior no matter what happens. I have been through so much to back out now. And I hope ELF out there would be the same. I just wish that this issue between ELF would get resolve soon because it hurts me to see us fight like this.

I hope you understand where I am coming from and don't misunderstand me. If I said anything wrong in this posts, I'm sincerely sorry.


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