
Somtimes, just sometimes, I feel like a worthless writer. I know, this is gonna be one of those "dramatic writer" thing, but i don't care, I just want this out of me. 

I freaking don't know why people hate my writing. It's so sad. I try so hard, sooooooooooooo HARD, and well, no one seems to appreciate it. 

I've always written what's inside my heart, my feelings. And everytime people just say stupid things, it kinda hurts, cause you know, those are my feelings. 


ugghhh, whatever. 


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JYM017 #1
V supportive people right there ^_^ love you so much for cheering me up, @komunhada and unnie <3 ^_^ i'm just going emo again, it's a natural phase, i think XD hehe, thanks once again ^_^ i
Who cares if they hate it? You love it, right?
Screw them and continue with whatever the hell you want, because it's YOURS, not THEIRS. :D