It's summer..even in Malaysia...

I'm back in my hometown for less than 24 hours and I am already tanned after being out in the scorching hot sun less than 3 hours. >.<


The holy month of Ramadhan is coming soon and I'm really glad to be able to celebrate the first day of fasting with my family. As for tomorrow,I'm going to another state for a vacation *insert Cuti-cuti Malaysia song*.


Hopefully,I won't get any tanner than I am right now. Too much sun exposure will cause cancer! 





Anyways, good night! Have a pleasant day~



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I love Ramadhan month !! For sure that I'm gonna go to the ''Pasar Ramadhan''
But I still have school.. D:

I don't get tanned in Malaysia.. Which area are you living at?
I live in Bangsar. And homework is a hassle.. :/ just stating :p
Coldsun1996 #2
Yeah Ramadhan is coming :))
pfft.. no. ckgu kte "cuti cuti bljr" x de kje len ke..pch otak~