✧ ⋮ Seoul Solar Assassins — Lee Jo Hee


⋮ Jupiter ⋮
noonachinae ⋯ Lani ⋯ 5


✧⋮ Lee Jo Hee

nickname(s) ⋮ Everybody calls her Jo, which is just the first half of her name.  During her school days, a lot of people called her hoops. This name is due to her basketball talents. Some also call her "prime time" because of  her sports skills.

date of birth / age ⋮ 13-07 / 22
ethnicity ⋮ 3/4 Korean, 1/4 African American (which happens to be my race :D)
language ⋮Korean (native) English (fluent)

Jo was born in Daegu, South Korea, but moved to Houston, TX when she was 6. Thats how she is fluent in both languages.

short bio ⋮ Jo is that beautiful sports-loving, thrill seeking girl that people love to be around. She feels like it's her job to keep people's spirits up. She has been involved in sports since a young age, so she has great agility skills,especially with hand-eye coordination. She has a humble side that is kind and ultimately wants good things for others, but she also has a side that isn't so pleasant. Almost like she lives the lives of two different people. 


face #1 ⋮ Mirae
⋯ pictures ⋮ 1  2  3  4  5   + gallery

face #2 ⋮ Mikki
⋯ pictures ⋮ 1  2  3  4  5  gallery

appearance ⋮ she has two lobe piercings in each ear and an industrial piercing in her left ear

style ⋮

Everyday: 1 2 3 4 5

At Home: 1 2 3  

On the job: 1  2  3   4  5



keywords ⋮ athletic, happy-virus, risk-taker,jokster,strong-willed, and outgoing

personality ⋮ Jo Hee has always been one of many talents. Her first love ever is sports She was known as being kind of a jock because she played basketball,volleyball,soccer, and softball. Doing athletic things, is where she feels the most comfort. She literally has a "happy-virus" attitude.You will automatically know when she is around because you'll probably hear her laugh chiming in from a mile away. No matter what is going on, she finds a way to turn it into a positive. Jo keeps a smile on her face, and makes it her duty to try and make sure others are happy. She frequently tells jokes and does funny impressions. We also can't forget about the many pranks she enjoys pulling from time to time. She's very crazy, but in a good way of course.  She does things like randomly busting out  singing and dancing in the middle of  a store or in a crowd of people.

All of her life, Jo has had the "I'll try anything once", attitude. Outside of her busy athletic life, she enjoys doing thrill-seeking, risky things. Activities that look like they could cause serious injury or possibly death, are the kind of things that get her adrenaline going.  Once she decides on some new extreme thing to try, she ends up becoming very good at it quickly, almost like some sort of instinct she has.  Sh does what she wants to do and doesnt let anyone tell her otherwise. She feels that is she is in fact making a mistake, the mistake was because of her own decision. Jo gets along with anyone and everyone and is just too much of a goofball for anyone to dislike her. As far as when she's is assassin mode, she's all about business. It's almost like another personality or like she's in a trance.  When she kills, she gets this glaze over her eyes, but still remains her whitty self by saying sly remarks to her victims before and /or after their death. Killing satisfies that "extreme adrenaline" she lives for.


background story ⋮  At the age of 6, Jo was sent to live with her mother's half-sister Felicia in Hoston, TX. Her parents had both been  poisoned and killed at their hotel room during a vacation they took to to Jeju island. The only family she had left are in the states.  Her aunt did not treat her kindly at all. You see, her aunt didn't like the fact that Jo's mom married a Korean man,just like Jo's grandma did. She constantly called her own mom and half sister (Jo Hee's mom), sell-outs. It also didn't help that Jo really doesnt have many African American features.Her mom Miranda is half black,half Korean. Jo's grandma was black and her grandad Korean. Aunt Felicia shared the same mother but different father than Miranda. Felicia would constanlty say how Jo's parents were better off dead and she frequently said all of those insults to Jo Hee's face. Jo always thought about her parents and promised to avenge their deaths when she was old enough. Her extended family didnt completely outcast her. She had a nice room and had pretty good clothes. but Jo knew that her aunt only did that so others wouldn't suspect anything. She had a male cousin, Jordan and an uncle living there also.

By the time she reached the age of 10, she began to grow quickly. She was getting taller and taller. Around this time, she had also got into sports. Her aunt allowed her to do it only because it would keep her out of the house a lot. Honestly Jo wanted the same thing. Her body was becoming toned and nicely shaped from getting in shape and her older cousin and uncle were starting to take notice. Her uncle had began making ual remarks and references towards her when her aunt wasn't around. He would comment on how long and y her legs were or how her s were starting to grow. Cousin Jordan however, took it a step further. At the dead of night, he would creep into Jo's room and slide in bed with her. Being a young hormonal teen (13), he would get in her bed and make her remove all of her clothes so he could molest her. This scared her,but she didn't know what to do. She couldn't tell her aunt because she wouldnt believe her. If one would see her, you would never imagine that she was going through such horror. Jo always had a smile on her face in school and was always to full of joy and laughter.She learned to block out those incidents and kept on investing everything into her life in sports.

By the time she made it to high school, she had become the only freshman varsity basketball,volleyball, and soccer star of the town. Everyone knew who she was and how good she was at whatever she did. She really poured her all into it. It was really all she had to grasp onto at that time. One night her uncle actually her, when everyone else was out. This triggered something in her brain. It was the grief she felt as a child from her parents death. She correlated her uncle with the bastard that murdered her parents.In her mind at that point, the two were the same and he had to be eliminated for his actions. The girl who had these thoughts wasn't the regular Jo, but a senile person who had only punishment in mind.  She knew her uncle uses his gloves frequently in his garden in the backyard. It was 5 minutes after he had taken them off, so his DNA was definately all inside of it. She slid on a plastic glove, then placed the glove from his garden on her hand. He was in the den watching tv as she crept up behind him. She had gotten an extra large knife from the kitchen and placed it through a loop in the back of her pants. She hit all the lights and lit a candle. She then turned off the tv he was watching. He started to protest until he saw that she was attempting to seduce him.  She straddled across him and allowed him to kiss her neck as she reached for the knife. He was nibbling her neck as she suddenly stuck the knife right in his chest. This caused him to bite down on her skin. He froze and she could see from the little light that his eyes widened as he stuttered asking her why. She still had a tight grip on the knife, sticking it in deeper. She answered his question of why by saying, "Welcome to prime time "(prime time aka one of her nicknames).Right after her statement she twisted the knife causing him more agonizing pain. While he die slowly, he slipped the glove on  his hand making it look self-inflicted,left the knife in his chest and kissed his neck. After all that she ran to her room and changed clothes. She then packed a small bag of clothes and personal needs. Jo took all the money her uncle had on him, and some that was stashed all over the house. Combined with the little bit of money she already has,she immediately booked a flight straight to Seoul, (she decided Seoul because being back in Daegu would remind her too much of the past).She knew she had to get out of this house, this state, this country. She had a cab come pick her up. As she was about to leave, she stopped and looked at her uncle and this prison of a house she lived in. Satisfied with what she had done, she walked out and didn't look back.

She made it in time for her flight. On her way to Korea, she really didn't know what her plan would be once she got there seeing that she only has a little money left. After the long flight and arriving at the airport, she decided to just walk and see where she'd end up. She used some of the small amount of money left to get some food and a nice cup of tea. As Jo sat there, she replayed the night of the killing all over again. She smiled as she thought of the knife twisting inside of her uncle and the pain he mustve felt. She finished there and continued walking, when she stumbled upon on little inn. She had enough money to stay there for a couple nights,so she figured that would be enough time figure something out. Time passed by and she had already been there for two days. As always, she had just decided to wing it and do the best she could. It was the dead of night,maybe around 2 or 3 in the morning. She knew she had to stop somewhere and rest. Not too far away, she noticed a park with plenty of benches, so she decided that would be her bed for the night. Jo made it to one of the benches and decided to sit and look at the sky for a while. After a while, she heard footsteps behind crunching the grass behind her. " Fine night isn't it?", a male voice asked her. She didn't respond. He sat down next to Jo and slid close to her. He began rubbing her face and gripping her knee. She asks him to stop and he suddenly grabs her wrist and tries to pull her away. She resisits and tries to pull the other way, but then he slapped her. So hard, that she fell to the ground. While on the ground she starts to smirk and laugh. Jo enters that sort of trance again, where she wants to cause pain. She then stands up and turns toward the guy and laughs in his face. He is angered by her laughter and goes to choke her.He grabs her by the neck, but she heat butts him. She then kicks him in his manhood and he drops to the ground. She continues laughing and taunting him now. "Should I kill you the way I killed him? No, it shouldnt be that brutal. After all we just met right? Yes yours should be quick and easy.", she says as she comes behind him. She wraps her forearm around his neck and began to squeeze as tight as she could. He was struggling but Jo Hee is very strong, so his moving didnt phase her.She then jerked his neck over and snapped it, killing him instantly. She checked his pulse and smiled as she saw no sign of life.Once  again she had felt like she avenged her parents a little more by this murder. She then leaned down and kissed his neck, just as she did to her uncle.  She suddenly heard a pair of hands clapping. "That was quite a show", she heard a voice say. As the figure got closer, she sees its a woman. Something was still sitting next to the lifeless body, trying to find out who this woman was. That is the moment that she was found.



lifestyle ⋮ Jo Hee attends Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea and studies sports broadcasting. She works at the campus coffee shop and at a skateboard shop on the weekends. She lives alone in a loft apartment downtown. She lives alone for now,but her boyfriend annoys her about moving in with her. He sleeps over like every other night. As of now, it's just her and her german shepard puppy Jax. As an assassin, she doesn't have the time to play professionally, so she joined the city league basketball and soccer team.

trivias ⋮

  • a master of hand-in-hand combat
  • physical agility is the best
  • has on point hand-eye coordination
  • master at undercover work/disguises since she's a pro at imitations
  • has to hum SHINee's "Hello" to calm herself down from anger
  • convinced herself that she's killing to avenger her parents
  • kisses victims on neck ( its what she did when she killed her uncle aka her first kill)
  • technology wizard

✧⋮ 시작한다 SHOW TIME!

found or enrolled ⋮ She was found by Soo Ae at a local park in Seoul.
then age ⋮ 15
best weapon ⋮ hand-in hand combat,secondary is firearms ( shotguns,rifles, sniper rifles,pistols)
special talent(s) ⋮Has spot-on aim with weapons, very fast runner, has the reflexes of a cat
signature gesture ⋮She burns the sign of jupiter on the side of their necks with a laser. 
branded symbol ⋮ Her brand is on her left  collar bone.

skill points
⋯ intelligence ⋮ 3.Shes pretty knowledgeable and book smart. As far as technology , she is quite  savvy with technology and computer work.
⋯ stamina ⋮ 3.6- her stamina is pretty good. Being an athlete for many years helped with this
⋯ agility ⋮ 4-same as before, her athleticism boosted this skill
⋯ perception : 3.4- perception is good,she sees/hears very good and has great reflexes
⋯ boldness ⋮ 3.7- Her boldness is one of her stronger points. Especially in assassin mode, nothing will stand in the way of her mission being completed.

⋯ overall skill ⋮3.4


family members

 Mother : Woo Miranda: 35: US Army Officer: Loving, caring, supportive: dead: They had a good relationship. She was very close to her mother.

Father:Lee Min Woo : 36: Architect: Funny, Whitty, sometimes stern,understanding: dead: Jo loved her dad. She gets her outgoing personality from him so they connected mostly in that way.

Aunt: Felicia Brown: 49: Sales Clerk: Hateful, mean, spiteful, vengeful: alive: She hates Jo Hee and only treated her badly.

Uncle: Kevin Brown:49: Unemployed: ert, ert ert!!!!: dead: He was a cancer in Jo's life which she soon eliminated herself. He behaved very inapprotriate with her since she was young.

Cousin: Jamal Brown: 24: Unemployed: also erted, dumb, forceful: alive: The only relationship he and jo had was when he came into her room at night, which wasn't enjoyable for her.




Best Friend:Choi Minho: 21: student: sweet, athletic, handsome, caring: alive: Jo and Minho have a very dear friendship. They bond mostly over sports. They also work together at the coffee shop as well as study together.

Friends: Kim Heechul: 27: owner of the skateshop: hilarious, sometimes a nag, understanding,cool boss: alive: Heechul is Jo's boss at the skateshop. He really likes her as a friend and employee. He always feels comfortable leaving her in charge if he has to leave.



rival ⋮ n/a

love interest ⋮ Park Chanyeol: 23: student/assassin:hilarious, happy-virus,sweet,joker,protective,annoying
⋯ back-up ⋮  Kim Jongdae
⋯ personality Chanyeol is Jo's boyfriend.. Just like Jo, he too is a happy virus. He's always happy and upbeat. To Jo, he He knows about her job, because he is her partener. His assassin name is Phoneix ( hehe i got that idea from his powers in the Mama video lol) Although he knows he doesnt have to, he tries to always protect her. He likes to annoy Jo and bickers with her constantly over everything. Thats his funny way of showing his emotions.

relationship : These two have been together for a couple years. His specialty is the bow and arrow as well as guns. Together as assassins, they are more than deadly. They combine their skills and knowledge together to accomplish their killings in sometimes the most brutal of ways. During normal life, they both attend school but arent in each others classes. Even though they are dating,they fully enjoy insulting and talking about each other. Some people see them and wonder how they even became a couple, but to Jo and Chanyeol the way they treat each other is the exact reason why they're together.Theyre working relationship is very professional. They do what they need to do and don't get side-tracked..Even so, they do tend to have "couple moments" while working. I won't say much about the life, but i will say that it gets preeeetty hot if you know what I mean, especially since she's flexible.hahaha. Although they give each other a hard time, they do care about one another more than anything.

desired ending ⋮ I'd actually like for it to end happily for these two. Maybe end up getting married or having a kid.


extras ⋮ I reeeeeally love this story idea and fully support it. I hope to become your one and only jupiter :) (does Sailor Jupiters transformation pose) lol
scene request(s) ⋮ I would like to see her on a mission and she sudddenly snaps and kills the person more violently than planned. Maybe a love making scene with her and Chanyeol *face palms* lol, best friend scenes with her and Minho, daiily life at the apartment with the bf and the puppy he boought for her,them discussing their future, of coooourse her playing sports,scenes at work, of course scenes at the academy and with the outher solar assassins :),killing killing killing lol.Maybe a lame group date like group karaoke lol or game night haha




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