SKIE5 Application

Soaring to the skies, I am Lee Chun Hei

★ The Real You 


Username: dominikaq92
Nickname: Dominika
Activness: 8




★ All About You 


Full Name: Lee Chun Hei
Nickname(s): Grace (called like this by her friends in England who had problems with saying her Korean name, Chun Hei means Justice and Grace, that's why they called her this way)
Birthdate: 12/03/1992 (21)
Blood Type: A
Hometown: Born in Seoul, South Korea, but most of her life she lived in London, Great Britain
Nationality: Full Korean
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 44 kg




 ★ How You Really Are 


Chun Hei has two different personalities. She still has left some of her features from the time when she lived as a daughter of English ambassador, she can act shy, quiet, elegant and dignified when it's needed. But when it comes to her real personality she is a tough chick. For the others she looks like she's fearless (but she's obviously not), she is really confident and has no problem to speak what's on her mind. She is hot-blooded and stubborn. She can manipulate people to do what she wants. She sometimes acts like a diva even though she is a little boyish. She has absolutely no aegyo, she can't act cute even if her life depends on it. Even though she looks like a bad she is really clumsy and totally in every possible field of sport except from chess. Still she doesn't loose her confidence. She is extremely intelligent and can get mad really easily when someone can't answer really easy question.
Chun Hei is a daughter of English Ambassador. She moved to England when she was six. She lived in London as good girl, dilligent student and tried to be a great daughter, but still, it was to little for her parents. She has never been treated as good as her older-perfect-sister, she has always been scolded by her parents even though it was her sister who did wrong. She comes from a very wealthy and respected family, not only in Korea but also in England. Her parents wanted her to become a lawyer or a diplomat, but she decided not to. She was scouted by SM while she was hanging out with her friends but her parents would never let her become an idol. Because of that she left home when she was eighteen and moved to Korea where she started her life as a trainee.
Music - playing instruments (she can play piano and violin), composing, eating, reading, extreme sports, sudoku
Music, food, tall guys, tatoos, sleeping, parties, Running Man, extreme sports, animal sleepwear, alcohol, cartoons
Her sister, running, ignorance, cleaning, swimming, sad movies, bullying, muppets
Favourite Food: Spaghetti
Favourite Book: Everything ever written by Stephen King
Favourite Movie: Megamind
Languages: English, Korean, French - fluent, Mandarin, Japanese - conversational
Favourite Animal: Penguins
Ideal Type: Someone tall with great charisma and strong character.
★ You're Beautiful 


Faceclaim: Here - Baek Su Min
Backup faceclaim: Here - Lee Dasom
Usually Chun Hei wears really casual clothes, jeans, T-shirts, shirts, she isn't any fahion guru nor icon, she really loves animal sleepwear, and she sometimes even goes out looking like a penguin, panda or giraffe. Dorms, airport, she wears casually everywhere. But on stage, she can were whatever stylists will give her, because she doesn't really care what she's wearing.
★ When You Smile, Sun Shines 


Love Interest Name: Kris
Personality: He is really cool and y. He has hundreds of girls who would do anything for him. He doesn't really show his emotions. He can be a little cold and look like he doesn't care about anything, but he really does.
Crush or Lover: Crush
How You Met
They first met in SM building, while Chun Hei was still a trainee. She had a break in practise and she bumped into him. While he was with Tao and Luhan going somewhere. At first she didn't pay attention to this meeting, but later she couldn't stop thinking about him.


★ We Are Family 


Father | Lee Chin Ho | 46 | Ambassador | Not close
Mother | Lee Eun Kyung | 43 | Housewife | Not close
Siblings - older sister | Lee Cho Hee | 23 | Law Student | Not close


★ I Got Your Back 
Emma Montgomery | 20 | Student | Best Friends




★ Back In The Day 


Training Duration: almost 3 years


Trainee Story: She was scouted while she was still living in England. She never before thought about being an idol, but since she started training she really wants it. Training wasn't all that hard for her because, since she was very young she was learning music - piano, violin and ballet. She is really clever and learning comes to her really easily, her biggest problem was training for variety shows and dramas as she really as an actress and isn't all that funny and her sense of humour is rather weird. She is easy-going, so she had no problems with other trainees and nobody would dare bully her since she has this whole badass image.


Something Important?: The most important thing for her was that she finally felt like she was at home and she had real family. She met a lot of great people who treated her much better then her family and she felt very grateful. She also discovered that she in acting. And her sarcastic humour isn't the best think for variety shows. And she met Kris of course.




 ★ On The Stage 


Stage Name: Hei
Persona: Dropkick Diva
Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper
Back Up Position: Main Rapper, Vocalist, Main Dancer, Visual




  ★ Extra 


Comments: Her singing twin is Ailee, her rapping twin is 2NE1'a CL or Miss A's Jia
Scene Request:
Something with extreme sports that shows her fearless side. She is the first one to do it without hesitation and she really enjoys it.
Scene with Tao, when he teaches her a martial arts and then Kris will come. They will already know each other a little and Kris will already find some feelings for Hei. So he will be jealous over Tao.
Anything you wanna tell me: Fighting!



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