Wow. Just. Wow.

I. Seriously. Hate. Everything. Today. First people took my p.e clothes. Then my friends think its cool to talk behind my back. I LIKE YOU PEOPLE BETTER -.-


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Wow! THis really shows that people really do care! I wish I could talk to you guys other than just here, if it's okay may I ask if you have a skype? You don't have to give it out, you could just message me, but if you feel unconfortable, it's okay! I just have internet friends and I'd love to get to know you guys more! Thank you to the both of you. This really means alot <33
Oh I'm so sorry you had to go through so much horrible stuff today. Don't worry, we love you here too! Sorry we can't be there for you in person but if you need to talk I'd be happy to listen.
Oh and if you think I'm being creepy and too familiar don't hesitate to tell me
VioletButterflyDemon #3
You shouldn't let people like that get you just goes to show how im-mature they are and the fact that you are a better person and will defo get further in life...keep strong...Fighting! <3