Application Form || Bangtan Girls





Hello my name is Jeon Minah



Are you ready ?

Name : Jeon Minah

Nick names: Minnie - People close to her call her that because it's cuter

                 Pabo - Her brother calls her that because she is clumsy

                   Chocolate monster - She is known as a person who is crazy over chocolate

Stage name : GoldMak - She can do many things although she is young

Birthdate : 1998 12 December

Age : 14

Ethnicity : Korean


Bloodtype : B+


Birthplace : Busan, South Korea

Hometown : Busan, South Korea


Languages : English - Learned as a second language

                  Korean- Mothertongue

                  Japanese - Got it from watching so many Animes

Personality : Jeon Minah, is the youngest child of the Jeon family. She was spoilt a lot cause she was a girl and that made her a bossy girl. Not bossy, as bossy, the boss work but bossy as she wants everything she wants. For example if her members don't give her chocolate she will threatn them to throw away their things when they are asleep. But now her parents are trying to stop this trait and not give her what she wants easily. But though she is kind of bossy, she is a bright person. A bright person that smiles at anybody. A bright person that can make friends in few minutes.

                   But nothing is alwas bright too right ? Minah is a person who is really good at hiding her sadness but she always locks the room and stay by herself when she is sad. She usually end up listening to sad ballads that will help her release her tears. Not to forget that she is a pro at pranks. I mean she once pranked her brother that she is died and he called the police thinking she commit suicide.

Background : Jeon Minah came from an average family. Her father is a professor at a university and her mom is a housewive. Mianh is a good student in school and always seems to give her studies much attention. But the Minah that ranked first in class can be this good in singing. Everybody was to stupid to think that the so called nerd Minah is a pro at singing. Only after her participation in a singing competition when she was 9 and ranking 3rd.

                    In 2010 she participated in the Bighit auditions with her brother and both where accepted. In her trainee days she posted videos in Youtube of her covering various Kpop artists. She went to LA with her brother to train under a dance crew. She still attends school though since she didn't want to miss out her classes.

                    In her trainee days she got bullied a lot by her seniors and got a lot of comments saying that she is young and inexperienced but she never replied and made sure she practiced potentially. Even though she had these times she would want to cry she always had these few people who would support her.

Lets Get y

Idol Name : Minah of Girls Day

Links / Tumblr :  Gallery

Back-up Idol Name : Juniel

Links / Tumblr : Here

Height : 157

Weight : 39

Style : Casual / Dating : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

           Dating: 1 2 

          Dorm : 1 2

          Practice : 1 2 3 4 5

          Airport : 1 2

          Formal: 1 2

          Bag Collection : 1 2 3 4 5

          Wallet : 1


Family : Jeon Jaejoong | 50 | Dad | Professor

            Jeon Dambi| 40| Mom| housewive

            Jeon JungKook| 15| brother| Idol

Bestfriend: Jimin| Idol| A kind, nice best friend who like to fool around her. PS: he is so touchy with her

Friends : Jin| 20| Idol

             Suga| 19| Idol

             V| 17| Idol

             Henry Lau| 23| Idol

             Sunmi| 14| Student 

Rivals :  Daehee | GLAM | 19 | rude and a hypocrite that acts differently around B.A.P| She used to bully Minah and she always tells her she is unexperienced. So Jelous of her beign extremely close to BTS

             Hyorin|Sistar| 22| not exactly a rival but her rival in dancing. These two had a street dance battle before. PS: before Hyorin's debut

My Baby



Lovers Name : Kim Taehyung (V)

Age : 17

Group : BTS

Relationship : One Sided love (later turns into a couple)

How long have you been together : ----------

How you treat eachother : Although these two were like the most awkward persons with eachother at first. Unexpectedly they grew close. V is so touchy with Minah like what all BTS members are. He treats her comfortably and never try to be so formal with her. He is always present in her selcas which he always takes with her. They always hang around at malls. And hang around at the practice room at time of breaks. What saddens Minah the most is that she started to like him more than a friend and he doesn't have a similar feeling at first.



Back-up lovers Name : Suga

Age : 20

Group: BTS

Relationship : Admiring

How long have you been together : ----------

How you treat eachother : The senior that she mostly resoect, Suga. Somehow they manged to get close. From training with eachother. Him Beign just before her in the audition. Him helping her with her rap. Him beign her selca buddy. And just doing everything with him helped them be closer. They were orginally considered a rapping duo supposed to debut in 2012 But then they had to seperate ways and train sepratly. The senior who she respects the most but still has the guts to treat him as a friend, Suga


Likes: Sleeping




           Song Jongki (Actor)


                 Baby pink

               Digging out her member's secrets

               Cotton candy



             Taking selcas

Dislikes : Insects


             Waking up

             Dark places



Hobbies : Cooking

               Playing the piano

               Planning Pranks

               Surfing the internet

                Designing Smart phone Apps

               Playing the guitar

Habits : Playing with her fingers when she is nervous

            Rubbing back of her head when nervous

Weakness : Elevators


                 High places.

Trivia : She was a street dancer with her brother in LA

           Her favorite colo is baby pink

            She never rode a rollar coaster cause she is scared

            She had a youtube account

            She was 1st in school

            She got 3rd in a singing competition

            She read over 100 stories

             She composes her own guitar pieces

              She did an icecream cf with Ilhoon of Btob

              She had never had her first kiss

             Was supposed to debut as a rapping duo with Suga

             All BTS are extremely touchy with her

            She realy likes to repeat MbLAQ's Smoky girl Chorus part

            She is no.1 fan of Weekly idol and Eatyourkimchi

           She the lead in Sunggyu's 60 seconds and infnite H Special Girl

            She has hydro phobia

            She loves the Drama Gaksital

           She really likes to wear short dresses and shorts

HeLoveTheWay I RideIt

Persona : Cutie girl

Position : triple threat, maknea

Back-up Position : Lead Dancer, Second Main vocalist

Personal fanclub name & color : CutiePies | Baby Pink

Trainee Life : She was always bullied and no body ever accepted her accept BTS. She had hard time managing both school and training. She was suppose to debut in 2012 as a rapping duo with Suga. She tried commiting suicide once by drowning herself in a pool but she was save by her brother.

Trainne Years : Since 2010. 2 and a half years


comments : Nice Story

request : Her to appear in a song mv of another artist

              A special collaborating stage with Suga

              Anything sweet with V. Maybe a couple stage ???? 

              Both groups to have a sleep over

suggestions : Update Soon ^^




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