I hate the ads on AFF!

I hate these ads on AFF! Like the disgusting online games ads with girls wearing stuff that totally shows their s and stuff. (You know the ones I'm talking about...) They're disgusting! I try to refresh the page to get a different ad, and it rarely works. I've started to get used to them, but some of them are just plain offensive. D:< 

I'm totally fine with the other ads, but it's just the gaming ads are the ones I'm talking about. Do any of you agree?? :|


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I... Already get used for those ads... I dont really care... -.-
But sometime that ads can make me annoyed since I always click those accidentally... -.-
The ads I get are FOREX, LINE and... yeah, Naruto. Manga online stuff. And I notice that the ads have something to do with the content I am viewing or writing. For example, I dropped my poptart's wall and mentioned that I have LINE. Now, everytime I go to her wall, I see LINE ads. Another time, I was talking about Fishy/Donghae with a friend. And then the ad has something to do with the Fish market. OTL. The fic I wrote about marriage always had that God and Marriage ad. I could list more... Were you viewing an RP? Maybe that is the connection. Anyway, sorry for this long post but the ads are there to help fund the site. And I understand your frustration. Boss did say that you could block them ;)
If you have google chrome, you can download the ad blocker they have for free and then you don't have to look at ads anymore. I think firefox may have something similar to it too.
Eww the imvu.__.