A-Z (Stolen from adorkable-- )

A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)

B: Birthday

C: Crushing on
 At this moment it's Mir

D: Drink you had last
 Pineapple Juice

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to
 My Twin Cutie and my mom

F: Favourite song(s)
 2pm: A.D.T.O.Y, LM.C: Punky Heart, and M.I.A: Bad Girl

G: Grossest memory

H: Hometown
 Planet Mato with Twin

I: In love with
 Bang YongGuk and Mir

J: Jealous of
 My friends, They got to meet VIXX and I was there :(

K: Killed someone
 No too scared to do it

L: Longest friendship

M: Milkshake flavor
 Mango anything

N: # of siblings
 5 including me

O: 1 wish
 To marry my dream guy (someone like Mir)lol

P: Person you last called

Q: ?'s you always ask
 Can I have some?????

R: Reason to smile
 To have a good time

S: Song last listened to
 2pm: A.D.T.O.Y

T: Time you woke up

U: Underwear color
 *Blushes* Orange

V: Violent moment you had
 I throw a blow dryer at my brother

W: Worst habit
 bitting my lip

X: X-rays you had
 My leg

Y: Your last time you cried
 2 week ago when my best friend move out of town :( I miss him soo much

Z: Zodiac sign


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onewjr #1
Can I meet vixx?