The Colors Of Love Plotlines

The Colors of Love

The Plotlines


Dangerous Red
Their love for each other is dangerous. But what exactly makes their love so dangerous? How exactly does their love endanger them. How will they face such a dangerous problem. Will it strengthen their love? Or, will they give up.

Distant Blue
Their love for each other has grown distant and far away. What made them so distant in the first place? Will they ever make up, or will their love fade away into the wind.

Eternal White
Their love for each other is eternal. What made their love so eternal in the first place? What hardships do they face? How is their love for each other eternal?

Fading Black
Their love for each other is quickly fading. What made their love start to fade in the first place? Is there any chance to reconcile this love? Or will this love fade away completely?

Romantic Pink
Their love is a love that every girl dreams of being in. But no love is only romance and sunshine. What hardships will this couple face? And how will they overcome them?

Opposing Purple
Opposites attract is what they say. But what makes them so opposite? What makes them attract? How will two people with barely anything in common get through the hardships that they face?

Childish Orange
Their love for each other is childish and innocent. But there is always a time where a child must grow up and mature. What troubles will this couple face? Will they mature and save their love or will their childishness get in the way.

Evasive Green
Love me or love me not. These two people don't know how to communicate their love to the other. But will something happen to them to make them finally confess? Or will their love for the other forever remain hidden?

Playful Yellow
Their love for each other is playful. Like a game of cat and mouse. But will one of their games go too far? Will one of them end up hurt? Will their love survive?

Devoted Lilac
Their love for each other is so devoted. But what made their love so devoted? Did something happen in their past? What secrets does this couple hide?



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