Tagging Game 3


“The Tagging Game”

Here are the instructions;-
1)       Please use the same font and the same size of font – Georgia, size 12.
2)      Start off by copying and pasting the banner & the caption under.
3)      Next, copy and paste the rules.
4)      You are then required to copy and paste the questions by the tagger.
5)       Now, answer the questions with honesty 
6)      Once you are done, create your own set of 10 questions.
Note: The questions have to be related to the roleplay. Or like getting to knoe a person better, n
7)       Tag 5 people & post the link of your blog post on their walls to in form them.
8)      You are done! :)


Questions By Tagger


1) Whats your favorite color? | White

2) Who is your favorite kpop boy band? | Suju and SHINee

3) Who is your favorite kpop girls band? | SNSD AND SECRET

4) Who is your bias? | JESSICA

5) Favorite fanfiction? | Durno

6) What kpop idol would you die for? | JESSICA

7) WHat is your favorite music video? | SNSD MV's

8) If you could be anyone in the world who would you be? | Someone close to Jessica.

9) Which kpop band do you hate? | .... Wonder girls ....

10) Do you listen to american music or just kpop? | KPOP 



Questions by Me;-

1) Whats your favorite soccer team?

2) You prefer manly or cute guys/girls:

3) Edward or Jacob?

4) What animal represents you?

5) Favorite drama/movie?

6) Apple or Samsung?

7) Long hair or short hair for your ideal type?

8) Favorite food?

9) Favorite video game:

10) Do you like me or LURVE me?


Tag, You're It!;-







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