INFINITE's L make me cry !

Who wouldn't cried when they read this !



Watching Sunggyu-hyung’s Rehearsal
L’s Bravo Viewtiful pages 124-125

To. Sunggyu-hyung
I’m sorry that I couldn’t be with you. 
We have always been on stage together…
How is hyung feeling right now?
From outside the walls of being called INFINITE and, like hyung’s first solo album title, “Another Me,” standing on your own two feet as “another me,” I wonder if it’s a really scary thing to you.

But, because it’s Sunggyu-hyung.
Because it’s our cool leader who is more extraordinary than anyone else.
Because I remember by heart those words that hyung always says: 
“If it is me, I will get the job done.”

Because our Sunggyu-hyung is the best!



translated by pitdae | take out with full credits


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Awe, so cute. And it always amazes me when people see Myungsoo as a jerk, because things like this don't equal jerk behavior in the least. Really, that boy is literally made out of marshmallows or something.

Thanks for sharing. :)
k-maee #2
this is one of the reasons he's my ultimate bias ><