99 truths


Stolen from Theangelvampire

1. Real Name : Mitha.


2. Nicknames : Yumi, Ifa, Mity, Brown, Squinty, Mitew, Pramitha, Prami, Smart-, Tha, Stick. (I still have some but I forget.)


3. Zodiac Sign : Aquarius.


4. Male or Female : Female.


5. Elementary School : Kartini and Kampung Bambu 3 (I moved so I have to continue my elementary school somewhere near my new house.)


6. High School : I'm not yet high school, I'm still in the last grade of junior high school or secondary school you may say but July 5th is the day I'll know where will my high school be, because it's the announcement day. annndd 2 weeks later i'll finally be a highschooler. yeaayy \ o / and why there isn't any "Secondary school : ...." huh? ok i make one for myself then, Junior High School : Islamic Village. HAHA)


7. University : Not yet.


8. Hair color :  Jet black.


9. Tall or short : Tall.


10. IM or email : Ask me directly.


11. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans.


13. Health Freak : Nah.


14. Orange or Apple : Apple.


15. Do you have a secret crush on someone : Yep.


16. Eat or Drink : Eat. 


17. Piercings : Ears.


18. Pepsi or coke : None.


19. Been in an Airplane : Nope.


20. Been in a relationship : Not yet.


21. Been in a car accident : almost.


22. Been in a fist fight : With my brother, yes.


23. First piercing : Ears. When I was 1.


24. Current best friend(s) : Should I mention it here? Ayu, Farah, Prima, Nadia, Ummu, Kiki, Nanda, Rofi, Haekal, Arif, Fadel, Daniel, Adam, Ariz, Hilham, Irfan, Wibi. Yeah we are in one group named 'Consistent' HAHAHAHA. Filled with random, smart, witty, humorous, clueless etc. kids.


25. First award : Ranked 1st in class.


26. First Crush : When I was 10. My cousin's friend.


27. First word : I don't know XD


28. Last person you talked to in person : My bro.


29. Last person you texted : Farah.


30. Last person you watched a movie with : My family.


31. Last movie you watched : The Ring. It was aired in local tv tbvh. If in the cinema then, Monsters University.


32. Last song you listened to : Savannah - Little Wonders. (Boy, I know she covers the original song but she sings it perfectly!)


33. Last thing you bought : XOXO Album the Hug Version < 3


34. Last person you hugged : I don't remember.


35. Favorite Food : Everything and especially French Fries, Pancake and Spaghetti < 3


36. Favorite Drink : Strawberry milkshake and Milo with ice :3


37. Bottoms : Jeans. I just arrived home.


38. Flower : I don't know flowers but maybe Edelweiss.


39. Animal : Cat and Dog.


40. Color : White, Pink, Gray.


41. Favorite Movie : Every movies. I can't decide. Everytime I watch one movie I will claim it's my fav but I watch another and I claim it's my fav too so.


42. Favorite subject : English, Math, Physic, Mandarin.




HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)


43. [  ] Gotten Baptized.


44. [  ] Celebrated Halloween.


45. [  ] Had your heart broken.  


46. [x] Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.


47. [  ] Had someone question your ual orientation.


48. [  ] Got pregnant. 


49. [  ] Had an abortion.


50. [x] Did something you regret. 


51. [x] Broke a promise. 


52. [x] Hid a secret.


53. [x] Pretended to be happy.


54. [x] Met someone who changed your life. 


55. [x] Pretended to be sick.


56. [  ] Left the country. 


57. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.


58. [x] Cried over the silliest thing. 


59. [x] Ran a mile. (unhappily, I can't, due to my health)


60. [  ] Went to the beach with your best friend. 


61. [x] Got into an argument with your friends. 


62. [  ] Hated someone. (I try to see the good sides .. And once, I think I almost truly hated someone .. Or maybe it was just that I was hurt ... I don't know. I'm not someone who easily hate people. I dislike but don't hate.)


63. [x] Stayed single for a whole year. 






64. Eating : Nothing.


65. Drinking : Nothing.


66. Listening to : Krewella - Alive.


67. Sitting/Laying : Sitting.


68. Plans for today : Sleep, chat with my bestfriends, continue my story.


69. Waiting for : Announcement of high school enrollment!






70. Want kids : Yep.


71. Want to get married : Of course xD 


72. Career : I haven't thought about it yet. 




WHICH ONE in a significant other :


73. Lips or Eyes : Eyes.


74. Shorter or taller : Taller. (I know I'm tall enough but still.)


75. Romantic or spontaneous : Spontaneous (but both are attractive.)


76. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship.


77. Looks or personality : Personality. Looks is a part of your personality, you know.





78. Lost glasses/contacts : I don't wear any of it.


79. Snuck out of the house : When I was around 10.


80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense : Held a gun/knife yes but for self-defense no.


81. Killed somebody : Oh hell no.


82. Broken someone's heart :  Probably, yes ... I'm sorry about it, now that I think about it.


83. Cried when someone died : Of course.





84. Yourself : I don't know. It depends.


85. Miracles : Oh yes. 


86. Love at first sight : I would like to live it, in order to believe in xD but, why not?


87. Heaven : Yeah.


88. Santa Claus : No.


89. on the first date ? : Perhaps. 


90. Kiss on the first date : Mmhm. 


91. Is there one person you want to be with right now : Uhh yes?


92. Do you know who your real friends are : Yes.


93. Do you believe in God : Yes.


94. Post as 99 truths : Yeap.




Do :


95- Quote a famous person : “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou


96- Say something funny : Once upon a time, the end.




98- Last message : Don't scroll down, thanks.


99- A picture of you : With my mom. I'm so sorry if I burnt your eyes.





























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130TRBL #1
^ going to be a highschooler in 2 weeks too, l0l.
well, if i'm accepted though. ; ^ ;
yay for aquarius bbys. \ o /
you ranked 1? you are so smart :)