Application Form for || ♫*♥*♫ ST★R Girls ♫*♥*♫ ||


♪Personal Information♪
AFF Username: Ikallalily21
Acount Link:
Name of character: Ha Ji Won
Nickname: Ji Won
Age: 16
Birthday: 21/09/1995
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: Korean
Personality: She is a very shy type person. Even though she is very shy, she wants to have many friends. Having friends is the greatest thing that she has in her life. Without her close friends she will be lonely. When someone started or approached her she will just stay silent and she will really blush madly. She was like that when she was still born. There are many guys that are approaching her because she has baby features that captivates everyone. She inherited the baby-face to her mom. When she was working at a part-time cafe, the cafe was popular because of her. She likes to work because she cannot sleep when she is not tired. She loves to sing while working in the cafe. The manager in the cafe always give her sweets because she knows that Ji cannot live without it. When she doesn't have work she just sat on her bed and start a Pokemon marathon. She really loves Pokemon since she started watching it when she was young. Her mother sometimes get shocked when she make Pokemon sounds. She is really hyper when she is playing a game. She loves to have fun with her friends. When she is laughing a lot, some of her friends think that she is crazy because tears are froming in her eyes. She loves cute things and doesn't like to aegyo but she is doing some. When she is scared or sad she just stay silent and stares at the ceiling. She stays like that for an hour or two.
Likes: Pokemon
Taking selcas
Dislikes: Strangers
Hobbies: Playing the violin
Listening to musics
Habits: Blushing when she meets strangers
Watching Pokemon everyday
Eating too much sweets
Talents: Modeling
Making Pokemon Sounds
Name of Ulzzang Model use: Do Hwe Ji
History: Her father is working abroad in America while she is living with her mother who owns a small yet popular teenage clothing shop. She inherited her baby features to her mom. Her mom was sometimes mistaken as her sibling because of that. The shop was popular because of her mothers personality of being friendly to her costumers. Her mother likes to force Ji to wear cute clothes coming from the shop. Even though her mom doesn't want Ji to work but she insisted because she likes to work.
Family Members: Mother-Ha Min Ah-40 years old-loving mother
Father-Ha Junsu-40 years old-responsible father
Relatives: Choi Minho(Shinee)-he loves her cousin very much and treats her like a baby. Sometimes other people mistaken them as couples because of their closeness. He is similar to Ji because their are like silent types. He has handsome features while Ji has baby features.
♪Star Profile
Stage Name: Ji Won
Position: Maknae
Side-Jobs: Modeling
Training Experiences: When she was training she was banned in eating sweets but when she has the chance, she will go to her hidden spot of sweets and eat secretly.
How were you discovered: When she was working at the cafe some random guy who is working at Starship Entertainment suggest her to audition because she has the singing talent and features. She auditioned and got joined.
Fanclub Name: Ji-Ji
♪ Social Life ♪ 
Name of Love Interest: Kang Minwoo(TeenFinite), Lee Taemin(Shinee), L. Joe(Teen Top) 
Best Friends: Jo Kwangmin(Boyfriend), Sandara Park(2ne1), Jang Hyunseung(B2ST, Kim Kibum(Shinee)
Anything Else: Have fun!! :))
Password: PURPLE


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