My Shipping Priority

This is to announce that I'm not going to write WonKyu for a while. The reason for this is because some WonKyu shippers are just well, how to put this softly, pissing me off. I'm sorry, but there's no way to say it delicately.

Two of WonKyu shippers (not one, but TWO) have decided to send me private messages and basically protesting why I don't ship WonKyu like I used to. Why I don't write WonKyu as much as I did few months ago. And what blew my mind away: why I ship/write other pairings except WonKyu, especially since the other two pairings that I ship are not in the same band anymore.

I apologize for using capslock, but SERIOUSLY??????

What I write is my own business and to be honest for my own amusement too. I don't care about what you both think (since you two PM me instead of leaving comments, I'm assuming that you don't want me to mention your names publicly) and I don't give a damn.

I've ranted about my freedom to write what I want a bit, on one of "A Thousand Beautiful Things" chapters, but since you're still sending me PMs, I'm assuming that you haven't read it so this is only the way I can think of. Maybe maybe maybe you'll read this post. If you still send me messages then I'll delete it immediately without reading first.

I'm sorry if this disappoints many of you because I know I have many WonKyu readers, but right now I can't write WonKyu without remembering those messages. Maybe I will write them again in the future. If you wish to unfriend/unfollow me because I won't be writing WonKyu for a while, I completely respect that.



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Who did that? *grumpy face* So not what I wanted to hear *cries* I love your WonKyu! Werewolf WonKyu~
I will support your decision though. I still want to beat up the annoying WonKyu shippers. If you told me who they were I'd go cyber yell at them kekeke
However this'll mean you focus on Half of a Moon right? Right? *being an annoying reader* You know I love you though (I hope you do!).
Good news. You didn't actually start the werewolf WonKyu therefore I can't miss what I don't have.
Still want to go yell at someone! This is my bad mood showing - I am normally so calm, I swear.
I really wonder what's going on in this fandom? I heard many authors complain about similar things, are they always the same people writing those messages?
I really don't understand what's going on right now! I can totally understand your decision. Maybe you just look at the positive side, they like your writings too much that they get impatient :) (though it's no excuse for their behaviour)
Gosh, what is wrong with these people? You have the right to write about any shipping and what will happen to them. Why can't they understand that? You're not being biased so it's ok to ignore a few ships for a while. Don't mind those two, they just don't understand a thing-.-
Ah I feel you. It must be frustrating. But only because you write so well ^^.
Luckily I like you writing other couples as well (or more xD) so I will get to read you more and more! xxoo <333