This is what i feel after post my first fanfiction

Hi guys xD i'm happy. yes i'm happy. I'M HAPPY YOHOO. I never thought that my late-night-writing will be post:^) before i post the fiction, i'm a little bit worried. asdfghjkl noo i'm very worried at that time>_< i keep thinking this; will they like the story? how if the story get bored? but this is my biggest question, will they able to see my fiction since there are always a new one everyday? then i post it. yes. you guys read it and i almost didn't believe it has already reach +/- 30 viewer.. thank you guys.. i hope i'll able to update soon and have those happy smile on the comments^^ but i can't promise to update everyday since i use my older brother's internet connection. HAHAHA really this is so embarassing x)) fighting!'-')9


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