Heo Young Saeng - Art Of Seduction

Let me start of by saying I LOVE THIS SONG. I hum it 24/7. Here's the plot (it is a bit obvious but idc): So she, who i will call Alexys because i thought of her and key during this whole thing, Is in love with Young Saeng. So you think at the beginning that he just show up. WRONG. she kidnapped him, and all of the happy scenes together are her imagination. I thought of JYJ's sasaeng fans during this whole MV. Then Alexys gets arrested. The end.

Alexys, thank you for (not) letting me use your name.

well that's all.



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Reminds me of you and Taemin oppa. Very vivid....OORRRR the drama Playful kiss there honeymoon is your thoughts of Taemin
What why me?!?! T^T
kitkatlover #3
ya'know you did use her name...wait, i'm confused,let me think about this......0+0