Home School // Live wid mah aunt + cousins


 getting home schooled. 

1) I don't have to pay lots 

2) I -insert all of da things i wunt to say here that i kent sei.- 

3) I don't have to wake up early ++ save tons of money 

4) I can fangirl everyday 

5) I can do this and that and yeah 


studying in the us of a.

1) I get to see appa (my best buddy) 

2) Every stuffs that i wunt to bai is ol der. 

3) All op da stuffs there are cheaper dan da stuffs hir. 

4) I can work and have money

5) I can finally see Meredith Foster <3 

6) I don't have to wake up at 4:45 am in the ing morning for pvcking skool. 



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