There's been a new craze going through Japan and could very well go through all of Asia, its called Oculolinctus - AKA -Eyeball :

Like what the hell people? Why would you want to stick your damn tongue in someones ing eye? It can hurt you. Make you blind, give you pink eye andeye-chlamydia.

Does that sound fun to you? You're tongue is very unclean and you're eyes are sensitive, so when you swip your tongue over someones eye your hurting the ing corna and the nerves in you're eyes. Note - Blindness.

I've touched the ball of my eye as a child and got pink eye once and saw a big blue/ black spot for three damn days. So, why would you want to put saliva in it and hurt yourself?

Please, I beg of you people - Don't try this. It will only hurt you. I know, some people might be thinking: "Thats what everyone says about fun things, like and drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, ect."

Well news flash to you people, HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF AIDS, LIVER FAILURE, ING DRUG OVER DOSE OR LUNG CANCER? I know you have, so do everyone and you're eyes a ing favor and keep tongues (and other body parts) ing away from them!


Links about eyeball and what it does:

Eyeball (Oculolinctus) Can Be Dangerous, Doctors Warn

'No good can come from eyeball '

Japanese "eyeball " trend carries blindness risk


Videos on warnings for eyeball :

Eyeball Craze Causing Pinkeye In Japan

Eyeball - The Bizarre New Gag-Worthy


And, a manga drawing to warn what could happen if you do this:


To me this is very alarming and disgusting. Why would someone even do this.


What scares me the most is that companies could use this as a skinship tactic.

I honestly wouldn't like seeing my babies running around each other's eyeballs.

The manga is explicit enough to make everyone understand why they should not do it.

Please share.




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I feel disturbed a bit now xp
I wouldn't even believe there would be something like that, odd.
O.O I know Japan's famous for ridiculous and strange things but Eyeball is downright disgusting and dangerous!! Thanks for the info! I'll spread the news ^^