Queer as folks

I'm not sure whether i should do this but i really want to share with anyone who reads this post this fantastic serial drama i recently started watching.

It's called "Queer as folks" and DEFINITELY rated, i know many here are below that age but it's too good to give a miss! It's a gay-themed drama (Which suits my Kyuwook FF fantasy). Particularly, the main couple is really interesting and they are like a mix of my FF "That ahjussi" and other Kyuwook FF written by other authors.

Brian is around 30, a man who sleeps around and doesn't believe in love. He took the ity of Justin, a 17 year old boy and later broke his own rule of not sleeping with the same person more than once. Brian fell for Justin but wouldn't admit for until, i think, in the later seasons.

I'm still at the beginning of the series and is completely hooked on it. Thankful to the uploader of the videos who cut out the -scenes.

Anyone who is going to or have watched it, please tell me and we can spazz together!


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I personally have no Idea about that movie. But I think it would really suit for a kyuwook fic. I juts wish someone will write something about that. T.T