Too many stories.

So, I realized today that I have 8 stories that I'm writing, (Well, 6 since one of them is a one-shot and one is a co-write.) not counting Unfair. I've just got so many thngs I want to write, but so little time and motivation to actually sit down and write them.Dx Like, I've probably got 6-10 more story ideas floating around in my head that I have to hold myself back from starting because I've got so many other things I'm already writing. Anyone else ever have that problem?


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I've had (and am still having) a similar problem. I have another account that I haven gotten on in like forever, and two stories I had on that account I had to put on "hiatus" (more like ill be back when I'm dead note) and I also had to pause a couple of my stories on here! I should have waited T.T
Me! Oh me! Pick me! Me! ME!!!!!!!!

>.> I'm so overloaded with story ideas that I've actually started a MSword document with all my ideals listed.. OTL