Application Form | Imperfection of Girls ; Jeon Jihyun

Blue | #6699ff


Let me introduce myself

Username: Kang_Sara
Link: Link
Activeness 1 - 10:  10

What’s your name?

Name: Jeon Jihyun
Age: 21
Birthdate: December 14, 1992
School year: Sophmore-Majoring in Health and Medicine, to become a child pediatrition(childrens doctor)
Height: 169cm
Weight: 51kg
Ulzzang name: Han Su Hyun
Links: Gallery

Back-up ulzzang names: Park Jihyun
Links: Gallery


Personality: Jihyun is a very playful girl, shes very talkative and likes to meet new people, shes funny, and laughs a lot, She's a nice person and easy to get along with however  stubborn, she doesnt like people telling her what she has to do, or what shes doing wrong because she thinks everything she does is right. Shes kind of a mystery, she doesn't open up to people and tell them about her, This is just her outside cover so she doesnt have to open up to a lot of people, or tell them whats wrong with her. The most a lot of people know about her would be her age, name, her major in school, and maybe a few of her likes or dislikes. She's had trust issues since she was in middle school to the point she wont even open up to her family members. She doesnt trust people easily, especially guys. 

If Jihyun doesnt like something she doesnt hide the fact she doesnt like it and will make it noticed. If she doesnt like a type of food she will straight up tell a person she hates it. She seems like she would have a temper but truthfully she's good at keeping her cool under certain situations. She has a tendancy to flirt with guys shes intrested in, or flirt with guys she knows are intrested in her. She doesnt trust men and is often cold to them

Jihyun is like a Pineapple. Hard and prickly on the outside, but sweet on the inside, its just super hard to get her to open up to a person. Deep down shes a nice person, and doesn't enjoy flirting, she's naturally a playful, and friendly person. Later on in her life she became a flirt and locked people out of her hearts due to issues. She really wants to be able to open up to people and talk to them about her problems but she finds it to hard to do. She's scared that as soon as she opens up to someone they'll just leave her.

She doesnt like crying in front of people, but she wont hold back if she needs to cry. If shes with a  a group of people and about to start crying she will simply get up and go somewhere else to cry alone. Shes used to being alone if shes not with guys and she feels comfortable alone. However she doesnt want to be alone, shes the type that needs to be truly loved by others, and needs them to want her. She hates being alone no matter how comfortable she is with it. Inside shes truly innocent and weak, and she just needs someone to be there for her and stay with her, instead people always leaving her.


Jihyun came from a well off family, her dad owned a very good resturaunt in Seoul while her mom stayed at home as a house wife. She lived a great life, and was always happy and energetic, there was once a time where she was innocent, pure, and totally trustworthy. However when Jihyun was 12 she soon stopped trusting people, especially men. The reason being, she found out her father had been cheating on her mother for the past 5 years, and even had another child with the woman he was cheating with. It drove Jihyuns mom off the edge and the three (Jihyun, her mom, and her brother) moved out to live on their own. However Jihyuns mom was a housewife and struggled to keep jobs, they were no longer well off and struggled to pay bills. 

Jihyun thought she could trust men again after what happened with her dad when she met her first boyfriend, she was at the time 15 where as he was 2 years older. He was at first sweet and a good guy who treated her with so much respect and took care of her well, however he was older and had a lot more..."needs". Hi tried taking advantage of her and was 2 seconds from succeding but she was lucky her brother barged into her room at the time and kicked the guy out. Later on in their relationship Jihyun found out her boyfriend was cheating on her with an older girl. He embarressed Jihyun in front of her school mates by saying things like "Your an imature little girl, you never want to do anything, and your one of the most boring girlfriends ive ever had!"

From then on she stopped trusting men, and turned the tables, she would no longer be heartbroken by men anymore, she would be the ones breaking their hearts. When she went back to school the next year she was totally new, she became the schools heartbreaker, flirt, and . She of course never went as far as making out with men, but she just let her classmates call her a . 



Jeon Seunghyun| 25+ July 17, 1988| Vet | Brother, He tries to be close with his younger sister, and despite her hatred for men, jihyun loves her brother. She however still doesnt open up to him anymore. Hes protective of her and hates seeing her hurt, he really wishes he could help her however she just wont let him help her.| Hes very kind hearted and sweet. He's had to be that strong fatherly figure ever since his dad left and did a good job at taking care of his mother and younger sister. Hes the type that would be a good father because he doesnt want to be the same man his father was.

Jeon Yohee| 49+ November 4th, 1964| Works full time at a small bbq resturaunt her friend owns| Mother, Yohee tries to get Jihyun to open up to her more thinking she can understand Jihyuns pain. Jihyun is often mad at her mom, shes often mad that her mom didnt stand up for herself, and just let another woman move into their home, while their dad kicked the three out (Jihyun, Yohee, and Seunghyun).| Yohee is very emotional and sensetive, her biggest priority is getting her children on the right paths, she doesnt want to trust men anymore, however at the same time really wants to meet a proper man. Shes easyily taken advantage of.

Friends: [Name |Age |Occupation |Idol/OC |Personality] max.3 

Lee Joonhee|20|University student|OC| Hes very girly, friendly and open. well i guess hes girly because hes also gay, not to mention Myunghee's younger brother. Joonhee has known Jihyun just as long as Myunghee so Jihyun can actually stand being around this guy. She also knows Joonhee wont do anything to hurt her since he would never be intrested in her. Joonhee is the kind of guy thats really loud and shouts when hes pissed off or trying to get his point across someone. Hes hot headed, but will never hit someone. He doesnt show his emotions or try to hide them because when he is emotional he'll just start bawling in front of Jihyun or Myunghee. He gives great fashion advice, and is always trying to get his sister or Namri to go on dates with guys that are cute.

Song Namri|21|University Student|OC| Shes just as pure and innocent as Jihyun. She's number three in Jihyuns small group of friends (consisting of Jihyun, Myunghee, and Joonhee). Shes the quiet and shy one unlike Joonhee whos loud, or Myunghee whos the wise one, or Jihyun whos like the partier or just like Joonhee. Namri is reserved and gets really nervous when talking to new people. She often stutters and mumbles. Shes a sweet girl and kind hearted.

Best Friends:

Lee Myunghee| 21| University student| OC| Shes very friendly pure and innocent, shes a dongsaeng to Jihyun. Myunghee is very understanding and considerate of Jihyuns decisions and choices, Jihyun is not a flirt at all. the two have been best friends since elementry school, and Myunghee was the only one that stuck by Jihyuns side through her change. She just really wants her old best friend back.

If you fill friends’ formate you just make one mistake!

Give it to me


  • Cold drinks
  • spicy food
  • little kids are her weakness
  • the beach
  • amusment parks, water parks
  • Books
  • ballad songs, or soft rap
  • Nell
  • Orange juice!
  • smoothies
  • popsicles
  • photography
  • pianos even though she cant play
  • sports
  • animals, especially puppies



  • Agyeo
  • sea food
  • wearing jeans
  • snakes
  • bugs
  • the rain
  • wet clothing sticking to her skin
  • being cold
  • the winter
  • being lazy
  • cooking
  • warm drinks
  • super super sweet food
  • chocolate



  • Shes a volunteer at a preschool and enjoys going there on her free time
  • Playing sports like soccor, or running, but only at night because she doesnt want to tan
  • Reading
  • Taking selcas, are pictures of scenary
  • listening to music


  • When shes about to cry she always bites the inside of her cheek and glares at the person making her upset
  • When shes nervous or trying to avoid an uncomfortabl situation she avoids eye contact and plays with her fingers behind her back
  • She doesnt cover when she laughs and since she finds a lot of things funny she ends up rolling over, or falling off her chair
  • Tripping, or falling on her because shes super clumsy


Mr Right

Who are you?  The Flirt
Summary about her: Jihyun is pretty smart, i mean she's going to school to be a doctor, despite flirting with men she was always good about putting school first. She seems kind of girly but she loves doing sports, its her way to get aggression and anger out, She especially likes soccer, basketball, volley ball, and running. In high school she was known as a , but now that shes in university (Seoul national University)no one knows about her past as a , she just flirst with a lot of her classmates in university. She doesnt have a lot of friends, people claim their her friend, but she actually doesnt like them. She only has a few friends. Her brother takes care of their mom at home when hes not at work, and their mother stays at home most of the time, becuase shes sick. Her mother is either at home, working at the BBQ or in the hospital because shes very sick at the moment, and doctors cant seem to find the reason why.
Who is her tutor? Nam Woohyun

His personality?:

Hes always cheerful and optomistic, unless hes pissed off, when hes pissed off hes scary. On TV hes really greasy and a flirt himself, but hes really not like that, hes a gentleman that treats girls well, and hes very understanding of others feelings. He's really good at making others comfortable with him, and getting them to open up. He can be emotional a lot but if the other person is emotional he'll man up and keep his tears in to let the other person cry in front of them. Hes a good listener and a hard worker, if he sets his eyes on something he makes it his goal to achive that something.
How does he work together with her?: Woohyun's main goal is getting her to open up to men, but first he needs her to open up to him so he can work with her. What he does a lot of the times is treat her as if shes a girlfriend, of course thats to Jihyuns distaste. He will take her to a new place like cafe or park. Then he tries talking with her and getting her to tell him more about herself, in return he tells her things about him as well. He makes himself look like a fool and tries to just make her comfortable around him. They do a lot of interacting and then at the end of the day talk privatly. Hes always there for her when she needs adive, either text, call or in person. He'll take her to play soccer if she really needs to get some aggression out, and when she leaves to cry alone, he'll take her to the fire escape stairways of the apartments the girls are staying at, and let her cry there with him. (im not sure where they'll be staying like if its in a dorm apartment, so i just made it an apartment)

How is your relationship with him first in the show and through the show?:

At First Jihyun hated the idea of being stuck with Woohyun, and for a while Woohyun had trouble talking to her because she didnt get along with him. After their first real emotional talk together, where she cried, she started opening up to him more. Woohyun also had to realize that it was a lot harder than he first thought. There were moments where Woohyun would be really harsh and angry with her because he couldnt get a certain piece of advice or lesson in her head, and the two would stay angry at each other for a while, he would apologize first, but as they went through the show and the two continued being mad at each other he would stop being the first to apologize and let her apologize first, as a way to prove shes not always right. He really proved her wrong a lot. Towards the middle to end of the show Jihyun and Woohyun showed  a lot more closeness, she really started opening up and trusting him.




Question I: Who signed you up for Imperfection of Girls?
Answer: My older brother

Question II: Do you want to be self in this show?
Answer: Honestly, No. i dont want the whole nation to know of me as a flirt, i could start over anytime but now anyone who watches this is going to know what a flirt i am, way to ruin my reputation.

Question III: What do you expect to learn from this?
Answer: I dont want to learn anything from this show, i dont even want to be on it, im going to doubt ill learn anything from those cake faced idols!

Question IV: What do you think about INFINITE as one of your mentors?
Answer: They're idols! and guys for that much! what are they going to know about me? oh so they'll read a few profiles and what not doesnt mean anything. They're idols not shrinks.

Question V: You have to share rooms with other six and will meet other girls with same issue, well somewhere close to it, are you excited about it?
Answer: I dont care, as long as im not sharing a bed, if i have to share a bed id rather sleep outside.

Question VI: Are you willing to be change to be a fine and well-mannered girl?
Answer: Im willing, but i dont see why this has to be aired.

Question VII: This could be an emotional rollercoaster, are you prepared to cry or sharing things that you never told someone?
Answer: I guess i am, i mean they'll make me tell them anyway right? because they're trying to "Change" me.

Question VIII: What are your dreams after this show?
Answer: I really really love children and i really want to help them, i want to finish university and become a childrens doctor.

Question IX: This was it, but this will be the final question. How dangerous are you for the INFINITE?
Answer: Im not that dangerous, i just dont feel comfortable with my whole life story being told, or having to tell it to strangers, i dont feel comfortable opening up to them. How are they supposed to understand me if they aren't me?




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 because hes cute... because i find this gif funny xD


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Haha fix the friend part. Uhhhhhh
I cannot atm posting. So hurry with editing.
Lo by the other or by the example apps what I mean with the (best) friends part.