DaeJae fic?

Do you guys want a DaeJae fic from me? I have a pretty interesting plot ^_^

I've already started to write it lol im on like page 5, im thinking about writing about 8 to 10 pages on OpenOffice :) i am writing Obsession as the same time so i can give you guys an update too, i have like 4 more pages to write for Obsession.

But anyway, do you guys want a Daehyun and Youngjae fic? The plot is pretty epic :3

Plot: Daehyun was kidnapped when he was 16, taken from the street. Held captive for 3 years, constantly abuse and , an unknown companion arrives in the middle of his imprisonment. This companion never meets Daehyun and doesn't last long in the house. On Daehyun's third year of being in the house, he finally gets a chance to escape, and he doesn't hesitate to take it.

Out in the forest surrounding the house that Daehyun has spent 3 years of his life, Daehyun wanders around looking for the safety of his home town, Busan. To Daehyun's discouragement, the forest seems like an endless circle of trees and dirt. Wandering in the woods, Daehyun feels like his abductor is tracking him, paranoia and panic takes over Daehyun and he freaks out in the middle of the forest.

A little aways in the same forest, five friends are camping and suddenly hear a sound that doesn't belong in a forest, a scream. The five friends decide to go check what the noise was and  discover Daehyun curled up on the ground clutching his head, clearly in discomfort. Before the five can do anything, Daehyun passes out. The five friends take Daehyun in and bring him back to their camp and nurse him back to a somewhat healthy state. Out of the five of them, Youngjae's attention is fixed on Daehyun, not just helping him but also some sort of attraction.

End Plot

So what do you guys think?


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oliviaesty #1
do it girl, and there best be some nice forest in thur